#8 - Date?

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*Y/n's POV*

When I woke up the next morning neither Daniel or Jonah were awake so I decided it would be a perfect time for a mini prank, or at least waking them up being very loud. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and a spoon. I walked back to where the boys were sleeping and started making as much noise as possible while jumping on them. They both sat up and started throwing pillows at me. Once they finally got up I checked the time saw that it was 7:13. My classes started at 8:00 so I had a little time before I had to go. Jonah had the rest of the day here and was leaving tomorrow afternoon. We hung out for a while until I had to go to class. 

"I gotta go to class, see you guys later!" I said grabbing my stuff and heading to the door. They both said bye and I headed to my class. When I got to class I took my seat in my normal spot. I still didn't have any friends here other than Daniel so I usually sat alone. Until today a boy that looked around my height with blonde hair and blue eyes sat next to me. I glanced at him and noticed that he was looking at me while smiling. I looked back down at my papers until the boy started talking to me.

"Hey! I'm Corbyn, nice to meet you!" he said sticking out his hand. I looked back at him and cautiously shook his hand. "And you are?"

"Im y/n, nice to meet you too" I told him.

"So I noticed you always sit alone so I decided to come keep you company" he told me still smiling.

"Thanks Corbyn but I'm really fine" 

"Ok, well I'm gonna sit by you anyways" he said smirking at me. He stayed by me the whole class and sat by me during my next class which we also had together. He's actually really nice and funny! Apparently he's in acting and music because he wanted to do music while his parents wanted him to do acting so he decided on both. I'm glad I have a friend in my classes now, even though he is only in two because he has to take his music classes. 

After my last class of the day I walked out to find Daniel waiting for me like always. As we were walking back to our dorm Corbyn came running up behind me. 

"Y/n! Wait up" he yelled down the hall, causing me to stop and turn around. When I saw him I smiled and introduced Corbyn and Daniel.

"Corbyn meet Daniel, Daniel meet Corbyn!" I said pointing to them. They both smiled at each other and talked like they already knew each other.  I was really confused and Daniel must have noticed because he told me that they also have a few classes together. We talked with corbyn for a while before saying bye and heading back to our dorm to find Jonah on my bed eating MY food. Right when he noticed I saw him he told me he would buy me more so I didn't get upset. I grabbed my stuff and took a quick shower. When I came back neither Daniel or Jonah was in the Dorm. I heard a guitar strumming behind me and turned around to see Daniel. It sounded just like the song I heard the other day. He started singing the song along with it and once again I got lost in the song. His voice was perfect. I was in a daze until I felt his hand grab my hand and I heard him sing the last line to me.

"Will you go on a date with me?" When he sang that I froze. I didn't know what was happening. I thought of him as my best friend, along with Jonah of course. I guess I may think of him as more though, I always get lost in his eyes, I get butterflies with him, and we almost kissed! Daniel must have noticed I was in a daze because he started talking again.

"Y/n? I'm sorry, I should have known we were just friends I just keep getting butterflies around you and I just wanted to ask and see if you felt the same way. I'm sorr-" I cut him off by kissing him. It wasn't a long kiss though. I backed away to see Daniel was smiling down at me.

"Daniel, I would love to go on a date with you" I said smiling back at him. When I said that he pulled me back into a kiss, but this time it was longer. When we pulled out of the kiss Jonah came through the door clapping and yelling.

"MY BEST FRIEND GOT A DATEE!!" he yelled while celebrating. Me and Daniel both laughed and looked back into each other's eyes. 

"I'll pick you up at 7?" he asked me.

"I'll be waiting" I said back. Right now it was 4:30 so we had time before we would go out. Me and Jonah decided to go walk around campus for a while before my date. We were walking around the quad while I heard footsteps running towards me. I turned around and saw...


CLIFFHANGER!!! hhahaha you will have to wait till the next chapter to see who it was! Also, They are finally going on a date and they kissed! Twice! 

I'm also sorry I haven't been updating as much, I got off spring break and school started again so I don't have as much time to write. I had a snow day today though because of the stupid weather here in Minnesota! It's APRIL and we had a snow day! We have to do this stupid online learning thing since we had school off which gives us like a hour homework for each class.. I still have to go do that so I should probably go now.. BYYEEE LOVE UUU!!

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