#18 - New Dorm?

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I kept walking away from Daniel trying to stop the crying so I didn't embarrass myself but seeing how red my eyes and face already were, there was no stopping that. I didn't want to look back because I knew if I looked into his eyes I wouldn't be able to stay mad at him. I eventually gave up and looked back at him to see he hasn't moved at all. He was standing in the same spot watching me leave and I saw a tear drop from his eye. I hated myself for making him cry. He was usually so happy and smiley, but I can't let him cheat on me and just go running back to him.. I can't let my heart keep breaking over him.

I turned back around and walked out the doors onto the quad and headed to our dorm. On my way there I decided to text a few people to see if I could stay in their dorms for a while. I tried corbyn first but he didn't answer so I next tried Jack who also didn't answer. I decided I would wait for one of them to respond before I tried anyone else. I put my phone into my pocket and continued toward my dorm. 

While I was walking I felt my phone buzzing. I grabbed it and saw Jonah's name. I hesitated answering because I had been crying and I knew he would go all overprotective on me. I eventually answered him and right when I picked up he started talking. 

"Hey Y/n! It's been awhile since we've talked. I miss you, I was thinking of visiting soon if it was ok with you. I was won-" he stopped talking most likely because he noticed I was crying. "ARE YOU OK? Who hurt you? Are you hurt? Should I call Daniel? Are you-"

"JONAH! I'm fine.. I-It's nothing." I said looking away from the screen that showed my best friend's face.

"It's not nothing! You're crying! I'm booking a plane ticket right now" he said grabbing his laptop obviously searching for the first plane ticket here.

"No no no, Jonah I'm fine.. You don't need to come, I can handle my own problems"

"I know you can but I miss you and even though you can handle your problems alone they are always a little easier with your best friend by your side" he said smiling at me. I smiled back at him and just thought how thankful of him I was. 

"Thanks Jo" he smiled back at me when I said that and I giggled. 

"Okay so I'll be catching a plane at..... 8 am tomorrow so I'll see you at around noon?"

"I'll be there" I said smiling at him and saying goodbye. Right when I got off of the facetime I was at my dorm. I pulled out my key and went in. I packed a small suitcase full of clothes and some essentials. I checked my phone and neither Jack or Corbyn have responded. I don't know many other people but I eventually thought of someone who may help us out. 

*Text Messages*


Hey, I know this is random and we barely know each other but I was wondering if me and a friend would be able to stay with you for a few days?


Of course you can! When will you need to? 


Only a few days hopefully


Ok, see you later then! My dorm is 129 in building C.


Thanks Zach, you're a lifesaver!

*End of Text Messages*

Thank god I have somewhere to stay. I grabbed my suitcase, my wallet and headed out the door. I eventually found his building and started searching for his dorm until I ran into someone.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going" I said looking up at him.

"It's okay Y/n" he said smiling at me. Umm how does he know my name? I have no clue who he is! Oh god it's a stalker.. I'm gonna die today!

"Do I know you?" I asked trying to sound calm even though I was panicking inside.

He chuckled a little, did I say something funny? "I'm Eben" he said sticking out his hand. "We met at a party a while back, you were drinking though so I understand you don't remember."

I shook his hand back and remembered this was the guy texting me the other day. "You're the one I was texting aren't you? Well nice to 'meet' you Eben. I should be going though, see you later?" He nodded his head and waved goodbye and I continued walking to find Zach's dorm. 

I eventually found It and knocked on the door to see something I would've never expected..


ooooooh cliffhanger!!! muahahahah I'm evil!! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. I hope you guys are liking this story because I'm kinda just making it up as I go so idk if its that good but whatever xD. Love you byeeeeeee

Dorm-Mates ~ Daniel SeaveyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang