#23 - Dorothy

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Daniel got up and grabbed his guitar once again and slowly walked towards the door to look through the peep hole. I was hiding under the covers barely peeking out of the blanket to watch Daniel. It's probably someone coming to take us into the saw traps just like the movie! 

Daniel made his way over to the door and looked through. I saw him jump back once the door came unlocked. He held up the guitar like he would hit the person but I knew he wouldn't even hurt a fly. The door slowly opened and a person wearing what looked like all black came into the room. I hid back under the covers and realized the lights had been turned on. Daniel pulled the cover from over me and there stood Corbyn smiling like an Idiot. 

"Corbyn!? What are you doing here so late? You gave me a heart attack!" I yelled getting out of bed. Corbyn put a finger to my lips and shushed me like he's a two year old. I know he probably is at heart but I have the right to be mad at him!

"People are sleeping stop yelling" He said pulling away his hand and taking a seat on Daniel's bed. "And I'm here because I lost my phone, Have you seen it?" He asked getting back up and searching our room. I face palmed myself and shook my head.

"No we haven't seen it. Why couldn't you check in the morning or at least knock?" I asked him while taking a glance around the room for his phone. 

"I don't know.." he said looking down like he was sad which made me chuckle. I looked at the clock that read 3:47am and looked back at Corbyn. 

"How about you go and get sleep and if I find it I'll bring it to you?" I suggested while yawning which made Daniel and Corbyn yawn as well. I giggled at them and walked over to the door and opened it for Corbyn. He smiled at me and walked towards the door to leave. 

"Thanks y/n. See you guys tomorrow." he waved while walking down the corridor. 

-Time Skip-

I'm sitting in class next to Corbyn who is still freaking out about his phone. I don't know why he needs it so bad anyways. The only people he ever talks to are all here anyways. 

"Would you stop freaking out? We're gonna find it" I said glancing over at him slightly annoyed already. 

"Jeesh sorry" he said looking down and doodling on his paper. "Shark week much?" he mumbled really quietly so I wouldn't hear but unfortunately for him, I did hear.

"You're so lucky we're in class so I can't murder you, chop up your body and feed it to the sharks!" I snapped giving him a death stare. He looked at me wide eyed and scooted his chair further away. I chuckled at him and gave him an 'Innocent' smile. 

The roles for the musical are coming out today and I'm so nervous! We're not allowed to switch roles after they are final and if we don't show up to perform we will pretty much fail the class unless it's a really big emergency. Jack and Zach had their auditions the day before mine and never told me so I couldn't go watch but I'm pretty sure they did amazing. 

The professor finally announced that the roles we're being posted and we could go check what we got. He put the list on the board and in the hallway. Before we could check what we got he decided to announce the leads in front of the class so we could congratulate them but I think that announcing it in front of the class is worse than just reading it off the paper. The leads he would be announcing are Dorothy, the scarecrow, the tin man, the lion, and the wicked witch because I guess they have the most lines. 

"First off as the Witch we have.. Drum roll please... Ana!" I didn't know she was in acting or music, but I guess she is! That means when Jonah visits he can be with her even more if he comes to rehearsals with me!

"Next as the lion, Jack Avery!" Jack got the lion! That's amazing, I can make fun of him for being a coward without an excuse now!

"The tin man as Corbyn Besson, who is in this class!" He said pointing over to Corbyn who stood on the table and started bowing as the class clapped which made me burst out laughing until the professor glared at me which caused me to stop laughing until he looked away. Once he looked away me and Corbyn started laughing again while covering our mouths so we wouldn't get in trouble.

"As the scarecrow we have Daniel Seavey!" I immediately smiled to myself and pictured Daniel dressed as a scarecrow which made me laugh again. The professor glanced over at me again which made me stop laughing and try to hide my smile.

"And Lastly as Dorothy we have the giggly girl herself, Y/n Y/l/n." He said pointing to me. I stared back in shock which caused him to look at me confused. 

"How? I suck at singing! I wanted to be a tree!" I said standing up. He looked back down at his paper and shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I didn't judge and they chose you so good luck! You guys are dismissed" he said walking back over to his desk and sitting down. I huffed and got up, storming out of the room, walking straight to the dorm not waiting for Daniel. 

I heard footsteps running up behind me. Knowing it was Daniel I slowed down for him to catch up easier. 

"Hey y/n! Did you check the roles? You got the lead! I told you you would do amazing!" he said happy as ever. 

"Dani I told you I wanted to be a tree, this is terrible.." I said crossing my arms

"It's fine, You'll do great. And plus we get to be co-stars" he said nudging me. 

"Fine" I said smiling up at him, shaking my head at how happy he was that we were gonna be on stage together.


HEY PEOPLE!! So 1. I'm sorry this chapter is so boring, I just can't think of fun Ideas so if you have any please let me know! and 2. I finally got a computer I can type on again so I should be able to update more as long as I can come up with Ideas xD 

Also, Last time I checked I had 1k reads now I have 1.6k reads! That's insane! Thank you all so much and please vote and comment as much as you want! BYEE LOVE YOU!!! 

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