#2 - Shopping

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I woke up to the sound of a guitar. I smiled before opening my eyes and checking the time. 6:27. My first class starts at 7 so I got a little bit of time. I've never been a girl that does much makeup or cared too much about what I looked like. I look to where the sound of the guitar is coming from and am taken back a little when I see Daniel playing. It makes sense, I mean he is a music major but I'm used to seeing Jonah play. 

Daniel looks over at me and smiles, 

"Hey! Your up!". 

"Good Morning to you too" I said back. 

"oh sorry, good morning y/n" he said laughing. I smiled at him while getting up and walking to our mini fridge. As I opened it I dramatically gasped at what I saw. It was empty! 

"What happened?" Asked Daniel while walking over to me. I pointed to the empty fridge and he started laughing. 

"Why do we have no food? We kinda need it to live" I asked. 

"Well we haven't really gone shopping" he responded still snickering. 

"Oh well we should. When is your first class?" I asked. 

"umm it starts at 7:00 today, but we could go shopping after?" he said more as a question. 

"Sure" I responded while digging through my drawers grabbing clothes to change into. "uh Daniel, I'm gonna change" 


 "Turn around?" I asked seeing the dorms didn't have their own bathrooms. 

"Right!" he said blushing and turning around. I laughed a bit while changing. There was another awkward silence once I was done changing. I checked the time and saw it was 6:45, so I still had like 5 minutes before I had to leave. 

I stood up after about 5 minutes of sitting on my phone . 

"I'm gonna go to class now" I said breaking the silence. 

"Oh, I'll come with you" he said smiling. We started walking to our classes in some more silence. 

"y/n tell me something about you" Daniel said breaking the silence. 

"Like what? I already told you stuff yesterday" I said back. 

"Stuff that bffs would know. Like your celebrity crush" he suggested. I laughed when he said that.

 "my celebrity crush?" I asked still laughing.

 "yeah I don't know! You have a better topic?" he asked smiling. 


 "exactly, you don't! Now answer the question" he said. 

"Ok jeesh, it's Ian Somerhalder" I said kinda embarrassed. 

"Isn't he like 40?" Daniel said surprised at my answer. 

"no.. he's 39 at the moment" I answered quietly. Daniel started laughing at me again. "It's not like I would date him! He's just very good looking in the Vampire Diaries!" I said defending myself. 

"Okay whatever you say" he said back with a big grin on his face. My face was very red from embarrassment. I finally found my class and went in without saying bye to Daniel. Of course he stopped in the doorway and waved at me. I pretended I didn't know him and found a spot in the class. He then started to yell to me, 

"Bye y/n! have a nice class bff! I'll see you after so we can go shopping!" he said to me in a girl voice. I flicked him off and he left the room laughing and headed to his class right down the hall. 

After my boring class ended I walked out, only to be scared by Daniel jumping out from around the corner. 

"DANIEL!" I said wacking his shoulder. He laughed for what seemed like 10 minutes as I just watched him with a blank expression. 

"You. Should. Have. Seen. Your. Face!" Daniel said barely being able to talk. 

"Okay okay, we get it you scared me" I said snickering. Once Daniel could breathe again we started walking back to our dorm. On our way we just talked and got to know each other better. Daniel was actually a really nice guy and I felt like I could tell him everything. We eventually got back to our dorm and put our stuff down. We headed to the grocery store, which was only like two blocks from the college so we just walked. 

On the walk to the store me and Daniel got closer and I would probably consider him my best friend. Once we arrived at the store I hopped into a cart and Daniel started running around pushing me. We got a cart full of junk food and a few healthy things. By healthy I mean veggie straws and about two things of fruit. We got warned about 5 times that if we kept being so "disrespectful" we would get kicked out, but they never kicked us out. We eventually paid and split the cost. Once we were leaving we realised we have way to many bags and not enough arms to carry all of them. We borrowed a cart to bring our stuff back and said we would bring it back the next day, but we probably won't.. oops..

On our way back I finally convinced Daniel to sing for me. When we got to our dorm we put all our food away and Daniel grabbed his guitar to play a song. Once I was ready I sat down and waited to hear him sing. 

"Any requests?" he asked. 

"ooh! play home!" I said excitedly. Home was my favorite song, Jonah used to always play it for me. He still does actually. Shit! I forgot to call him again! I'm so stupid! I'll call him after this song.

 "Okay" Daniel said before he started playing.


Hey guys! thanks for reading this story! I mean i don't know if anyone actually is but whatever.. Once again, leave any ideas for the story if you would like and vote for it as well, It would mean a lot! love you, byeee

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