#3 - Jonah!

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Daniel started to sing and I got totally lost in it.

Hold on, to me as we go As we roll down this unfamiliar road And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you're not alone
'Cause I'm going to make this place your homeSettle down, it'll be clear
Do not pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it could drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be foundJust know you're not alone
'Cause I'm going to make this place your homeSettle down, it'll be clear
Do not pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it could drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be foundJust know you're not alone
'Cause I'm going to make this place your home

I was just staring at Daniel, smiling, lost in the music, before I realized Daniel was next to me waving his hand in my face.

"y/n? Y/n. Y/n!!!" Daniel said yelling the last time before I snapped out of it. '

"Huh? What happened?" I asked him.

"You froze once I finished, you ok?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said smiling at him.

"You sure? Your crying" said with a face full of concern. I felt my eyes and realized I was crying.

"Oh, Umm-" was I managed to get out before Daniel cut me off

"y/n, what's the matter?" he asked.

"Nothing" I said looking down.

"I'm not stupid" he said laughing a little.

"Fine, It's that song .. My best friend used to always sing it to me and I just miss him" I admitted looking up. Daniel pulled me into a hug that probably lasted 5 minutes before he pulled away.

"You should call him he probably misses you too" Daniel told me. I nodded and grabbed my phone. I went to Jonah's contact and pressed facetime. After 1 ring he picked up.

"Y/N!? Are you ok? Why didn't you call me? Wh- "I cut you off before he rambled even more.

"Jonah I'm fine!" I said smiling that I finally saw his face. Oh how I have missed him.

"Good! I was so worried! I got a new phone and siding have your number to call you! I was so worried because you weren't calling me!" he said.

"Oh, well, I'm fine Jonah, thanks for caring so much" I said laughing. He just smiled back before squinting at the screen and then going wide eyed. I looked at him confused before he started talking.

"Y/N! Why is there a GUY in your dorm!?" I started laughing and looked at Daniel who was behind me watching my screen.

"Why are you laughing!? Y/N! Your too young for this! I knew you should not have gone away without me protecting you!"

"Jonah, we did not do anything, do not worry" I said laughing. Daniel was blushing because Jonah thought that.

"OK thank god.. But why is there a guy in your room then?" He asked still confused

After explaining the whole story to Jonah he finally understood and stopped acting like an overprotective brother. Him and Daniel seemed to be friends already and I was proud that I created a new friendship. Jonah promised to come visit soon so we could see each other and Daniel and him could meet. We hung up the call and me and Daniel kept talking. It was now Friday so we did not have classes tomorrow. We decided to have a movie night, we put the tv on netflix so we could watch a movie. We chose Cars, which is one of the greatest movies ever! After about 20 minutes of watching the movie, Daniel paused it and went to grab snacks. When I got up I saw that Daniel took the last box of cheez-its. I went and grabbed them and ran back to my bed before he noticed.

"Y/N! You took my cheez-its!" whined Daniel.

"I wanted to eat them" I said laughing. Daniel tried to come take them but was too slow. He eventually went back to his bed and played the movie.

The movie played for about 15 minutes before Daniel got up again and sat next to me on my bed. I paused the movie and looked at him confused. "Daniel, what are you doing?" I said laughing. "You wouldn't give my cheez-its back so I came to share them" he said smiling at me. I laughed and played the movie. During the movie we kept throwing cheez-its at each other and we were eventually out of cheez-its. Daniel threw the box away and jumped back on my bed watching the movie. I was confused why he was still here, but I was honestly fine with it. I don't know why, but I liked him here with me.


Heyo guys !! Thanks for reading this chapter! That's gonna be it for today. I mean 3 in one day is pretty good right? No? ok .. Well I hope you enjoyed and vote for the story! Love uuuu, byeeeeeee

I had to edit this again because wattpad translated it or something? Idek! So sorry if it sounds weird at all in some spots

Dorm-Mates ~ Daniel SeaveyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz