#17 - Again?

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Me and Daniel goofed around and practiced for hours tonight. We were having so much fun we lost track of time and once I eventually checked it was already 12:26 am. I never even got to the singing part of the song I'm gonna audition with and my audition is tomorrow. I guess me and Daniel will have to pull another all nighter.. 

"Hey Dani, we should head back.. Its almost 12:30" I told him while taking the guitar and putting it back on it's stand. Daniel checked his watch and nodded his head in agreement. He stood up and put his arm around my shoulder while we walked out of the room, Daniel locking it behind us. 

Once we got back we both flopped onto our beds and I instantly passed out. After what only felt like a minute or two I felt someone lay next to me. I looked to my left to see Daniel getting onto my bed and cuddling up next to me. I smiled to myself, cuddled into his chest, and drifted back to sleep. 

---Time Skip---

I'm in the middle of class and we're currently practicing for our auditions with a partner. I was obviously with Corbyn but that meant I have to sing for him, which will not go too well. I made Corbyn practice first so I could have more time to think of a plan to get out of singing. I was listening to Corbyn singing and let me just say, this kid is amazing!! Once Corbyn was done practicing I gave him my advice, even though he was already perfect, and now it was my turn.. I've been dreading this moment my whole life.. Here goes nothing..

I closed my eyes the whole song. It made me less nervous and I didn't want to see Corbyn's reaction. Once I finished I slowly opened my eyes, Corbyn started clapping very loudly and cheering which made everyone look at me. I hid my face until Corbyn stopped clapping. I gave him a glare which made him chuckle.

"That was pretty good! You aren't as bad as you say you are" he said playfully pushing my shoulder.

"Okay, you're an amazing singer but your acting needs to improve my friend" I told him patting his shoulder. 

He chuckled and said "Okay, Okay.. It could use some improvements BUT it's not that bad"

"Thanks for the honesty bean" I said laughing. Just as I said that the bell for class rang. I grabbed my stuff and ran to Daniel's class. He always meets me after class so I decided to meet him for a change. I decided I was gonna scare him for a change. Everyone started leaving the class so I hid behind the door. After a minute or two of standing outside the door Daniel never came out. I got curious and peaked my head inside the door to see Daniel standing next to one of the desks with a girl sitting on the desk. My heart almost broke but I didn't want to assume right away so I listened to their conversation. 

"Listen" he said grabbing her hands, which broke my heart even more. "I have to go so Y/n doesn't get suspicious of anything, but I promise to see you later" he said giving her a kiss on the cheek before leaving. 

"Love you"

"Love you too" he said smiling back at her while walking toward the door. Once he said that I felt my heart shatter. I started crying and was walking down the hall. I heard footsteps behind me so I glanced over my shoulder to see Daniel running up to my side. 

"Y/n? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" he tried to pull me into a hug but I pushed him away. 

"You said you would never do this again.. You promised me you wouldn't hurt me! I can't believe I trusted you again.." I looked down and kept walking away. 

Daniel grabbed my hand and spun me around to face him. "What are you talking about? What happened?"

I chuckled a little and said, "I think you know exactly what you did.. Stop playing dumb and grow up already. Goodbye Daniel." I shook off his hand and kept walking away. 


HOLA my peeps!! Sooooo I know I said I was gonna update again on Friday but my dad decided to take me to see the new avengers movie, and let me say it was AMAZING. I highly recommend it!! But anyways thanks for reading as always and please vote and comment! Love you byeeeeee

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