#15 - Sorry

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I woke up to sunlight shining in my eyes. I looked around and saw that I was in my bed, in our dorm. For a moment I was happy, it felt just like a normal morning. That was until my head started pounding, and all the terrible memories of the previous night swarmed my brain. I felt like a chunk of the night was missing though, like how I got home. That's when I remembered I drank. That's why my head hurt and that's why I couldn't remember certain things.. How could I? I promised myself I would never drink in my life! 

I was angry at myself until I finally remembered what caused me to drink. It was Daniel. This was his fault! He blamed me for cheating when he knew I would never do anything to hurt him, and he still went and cheated on me. Not to mention he got completely wasted even though he promised me he wouldn't drink. 

I looked over to Daniel's bed and saw he wasn't there. Lucky for him too, otherwise he was about to catch these hands!! No, but in all honesty the second I see him he's in for a lot.

I still don't remember how I got home though. I checked my phone that was on the table next to my bed. The time said 10:46am and I had 4 text messages. I clicked on the first one and it was from an unknown number. 

Text Messages:

Unknown #:

Hey, It's Zach from the party last night. I was just wondering if you would like to hangout sometime soon?  

You don't have to but I don't really have many friends and you seem nice. OK im gonna stop rambling now..


Hi? I'm sorry but I don't remember a Zach, sorry..


Oh, my bad.. I don't think I ever told you my name. I was the one who helped your friend home.


Well in that case I do remember you, thanks for helping. And yes, I would love to hangout!


Ok cool, text me when you're free :)

Next Messages:

Corbean 😋:

Are you feeling ok? I put some ibuprofen on your desk for you btw. Text me once you feel better!


Hey bean.. Thanks, I took it and I'm feeling a little better, but how did you know I was gonna have a hangover?

Corbean 😋

I brought you home last night when I saw you were drinking.. Please just rest and feel better!


Ok, see you later!

Next Message:

Unknown #: 

Hi, its Eben. I met you at the party last night. We should hang some time.


Umm I'm sorry I don't know who you are


Right, you were drinking.. Well we hung out last night and we should meet up again!


I'll think about it, I still have a boyfriend though..


You haven't broken up with him yet?


I haven't seen him.. I'll text you updates though


Okay, see ya

End of Messages:

I still can't believe I drank.. I don't even remember this person! I feel bad! I can't wait for Daniel to get home though. He probably won't even remember cheating he was so drunk. 

I decided to go take a quick shower then watch friends while I waited for Daniel to get back from wherever he went. I've been planning what I'm gonna say the whole day, yet I know when the time comes I'm gonna completely forget and go psycho on him. 

Daniel eventually came back at 3:37pm which was a long time to be gone without contacting anyone or answering my calls or texts. I paused my show and sat up on my bed giving him a major glare. He looked at me confused and I could tell he didn't remember what happened last night. 

"Y/n? You okay there?" he said sitting next to me and wrapping his arm around me. Which I instantly pushed off. I stood up and crossed my arms while still looking at him very angrily. "Y/n you're scaring me.." he said, face full of worry.

"NO Daniel!! I'm not fine!! I've been calling you and texting you all day worried that something happened or you hooked up with someone again!!" I yelled at him and just like I assumed, I'm already off of script.

"What do you mean again?" he asked standing up, grabbing my hands, and looking into my eyes. Those eyes always get me.. I can't be mad at them, nobody could.. This is gonna be a lot harder than I thought!

"Last night Daniel! I caught you making out with some random girl at the party!!"

"I don't remember that, are you sure that was me? I would never do that to you! I lov-" he cut himself off. We still haven't dropped the L word. "I really really like you! I wouldn't do that!"

"But you did Daniel! You were drinking and I left to find someone to help me bring you home and when I came back you were making out with someone!!" I was already on the verge of tears.

"I was drunk and I didn't mean too! I promise! I won't ever do anything like that again! I won't drink or leave your side when we go to parties and I'll never hurt you again! Please forgive me!!" he begged me, still holding my hands but now squeezing them as he asked for forgiveness. I noticed his eyes went from the beautiful blue they usually are, to a more dull bluish/grey and they looked to be tearing up. 

I sighed knowing I couldn't stay mad at him. I can't even last a day without him for all I know! I need him in my life! (Like Limelight!! I'm so sorry, I had to😂). I nodded my head showing I accepted his apology. Right when I nodded his eyes lit backup and his beautiful smile returned. He picked me up and spun me around while squeezing me. I love this boy so much! I really want to just come right out and say it, but a part of me wants him to say it first. I'm still nervous he doesn't actually love me back yet. 

The rest of the night we cuddled and watched cartoons. Yes I know, we're so mature! It was perfect! Well other than the fighting that happened earlier..

I eventually fell asleep with my head on his chest during an episode of spongebob. How romantic?!


HOLA my people!! Thanks again for reading!! It means a lot that people actually like this book!! Thanks to the few people that are voting as well! I'll be checking out some of your accounts and stories if you have any :)) You should also go check out my insta, its CassMarais as well! Love you all and BYEEEE

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