#28 - Epilogue

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2 years later

After school was finished me and Daniel decided to move out together. Him and the boys, by the boys I mean Jonah, Zach, Jack, and Corbyn, started a band together. It wasn't any One Direction but it'll do.. Jk, they're better! 

We moved into our own house in LA. Not exactly our own though because all the boys were there too.. But hey, at least we got our own room! 

Me and Dani are now both 19, my birthday was a few weeks ago and his was about a month before mine. Zachs 17, Jacks 18, Corbyns 19, and Jonahs 20! I repeat! HES 20!

Daniel proposed to me on my birthday, onstage of their tour IN MY (and Jonahs) HOMETOWN! It was the cutest thing ever! We were trending on twitter which was also amazing! 

We're obviously waiting a while still to get married but I can at least call him my fiance! ooh scratch that, my sexy fiance ;) Eww I'm sorry I'm cringy..

Oh I almost forgot, I'm also pregnant! Nobody knows yet, not even Daniel or Jonah, not even my parents know!

"Hey Dani" I nervously said, walking out of our shared bathroom into the bedroom where Daniel was sitting on the bed scrolling through his phone. 

"Yeah?" He asked turning off his phone and setting it down, turning towards me.

I sat down next to him and took a long, deep breath. If you didn't guess yet, I'm gonna tell him I'm pregnant.. 

"I- I'm- I'm pregnant" I said looking down, not wanting to see his reaction. All I heard was silence, I didn't know if he was happy, mad, sad, disappointed, confused, or anything, just silence. I eventually looked up to see him with a huge smile which made me smile. "You're not mad?" I asked crooking my head to the side. 

"Why would I be mad? I get to have a little version of me and you running around" He smiled again. I smiled thinking of a little boy, or girl, that would soon be running around the already crazy house of ours. At least with all the boys here I would have free babysitters right? Except Zach.. I don't think I could trust him with a child.. "Does  anyone else know yet?" he asked grabbing both of my hands, rubbing the back of one with his thumb. 

"No, I wanted you to be first" I smiled up at him. I thought of telling the boys and what there reactions would be. Zach would most likely run around exited with Jack. Jonah will be happy but also concerned, and Corbyn will probably instantly run to the store and buy every baby thing he sees, taking Zach and Jack with him to get even more stuff faster..

"When do you want to?" he asked, snapping me out of the thoughts of how the boys will react. Not even the boys, Ana and Ashley too! They're gonna die! Of happiness most likely, but also maybe jealously from Ana just because her and Jo have been trying but it hasn't happened yet. They've been married for a few months now and I'm pretty sure all they did on their honeymoon was try.. Ashley and Zach are still going strong too, but aren't quite at the marriage or baby stage quite yet. I mean they are 17 so they would be a little young but I thought me and Daniel we're too young too even though we're at least legal adults.

"Will you help me?" I asked shyly which caused Daniel to chuckle and wrap his arm around my shoulder. 

"Always" he said smiling down at me. He eventually got up and pulled me up with him, picking me up bridal style which let me tell you, was terrifying going down the stairs. 

"Hey guys" I said trying to gain their attention away from their video games that they're always playing. I only got the attention of Ana who was sitting right next to Jonah. "GUYS" I said again, a little louder, still not getting their attention. Ana decided to take matters into her own hands and whistled really really loudly. They all covered their ears, and Zach even fell off the couch pulling Ashley down with him. He quickly got up and apologized to her and helped her get up, I've taught him well. They all looked at Ana with their ears covered. She pointed over to us and motioned us to begin. 

"So we have something to tell you" Daniel smiled glancing over at me, motioning me to tell them the news.

"I'm- I-" I looked down and stopped talking. Daniel hugged me from the side and nodded his head for me to continue. I nodded back to him and gave him a slight smile. I looked back at the boys, Ashley, and Ana, who were all still staring at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I'm Pregnant"

-------THE END-------

AYE THATS THE END FOLKS!! Thanks soooo much for reading! I know I'm not the greatest author and all but its my first book so I'm pretty proud! Im gonna be hopefully starting a new book pretty soon soo be on the lookout for that!

 I love you all, byeeeeeeeeeeeee

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