#21 - Security!!

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Corbyn's audition went perfect as I expected. The roles are supposed to come out sometime tomorrow so hopefully I got tree #2.

I'm heading to meet Daniel to talk like he asked but I'm very VERY nervous.. I'm just hoping I don't completely freak out and beat him up.

We met at 'our' spot in the quad where we would always go and hangout. I didn't see Dani yet so I sat under a tree and waited for him.

After 5mins of waiting, Daniel eventually showed up holding a bundle of flowers, mainly lilacs because he knew they were my favorite. He gave me a small smile which I returned and handed me the flowers. I sat back down and fiddled with my fingers.

"So y/n, I wanted to explain myself.. Please promise me you won't freak out or something?"  He asked taking a seat next to me. I nodded, still looking down, waiting for him to continue.
"The girl I've been hanging out with is Angi. She's my best friend from back home, she's like my sister. I do love her, but in a friend way." He told me grabbing my hands.

I looked up at him and pulled my hands away. "So if you guys are 'just friends', why did you try to hide that you were with her? If you just told me that I wouldn't have been jealous." I said starting to fiddle my hands again.

"I don't know, I was just scared I guess.." he said also looking down.

"Dani, you know I wouldn't be mad about you having friends! I have Jonah, Jack, Zach, Corbyn, and Eben that are all guy friends and you trust me, so I trust you." I said smiling up at him.

He smiled back at me. "So we're good then right?" he asked grabbing my hands once again.

"We're good"

"Good because I've missed this" he said looking into my eyes.

"Missed wha-" I was cut off by Daniel kissing me. I instantly kissed back and smiled into the kiss, which I could tell made Daniel also smile.

We pulled apart and I stared into his amazon blue eyes. "I'm sorry" I whispered.

"Sorry for what?! I should be the one saying sorry!" He said squeezing my hand reassuringly.

"For overreacting" I said looking away again.

"You're fine, I probably would've overreacted too if I was you" he said tilting my chin towards him.

"I love you" I said looking up at his beautiful eyes again.

He smiled and looked down at me, pulling me into his side, hugging me while I wrapped my arms around him as well. "I love you too" he whispered kissing my head.

We laid on the quad for what seemed like seconds but was probably at least 2 hours. I apparently fell asleep and was woken up by Daniel shaking me to wake up.

"Y/n!! Wake up! Campus security is out, we need to go!" He said still shaking me.

I woke up and looked around to see a few flashlights scattered around the quad. I stood up while Daniel grabbed my hand, running out of sight of the security.

We eventually made it back into the dorms and I was gonna head back to Zach's room until Daniel grabbed my hand.

"Aren't you gonna come back? Be my dorm-mate again?" He said slightly smiling.

"I will, but I need to make sure Jonah's ok. I kinda left him for a few hours with Zach which is never a good choice." I said giggling.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then?" He asked smiling.

"Of course" I said pecking his lips before turning around and walking back to Zach's dorm.

Boom updated!! I had to use my phone to write this and I probably will all summer bc the school took our laptops away for the summer like always but I'll still try to update as often as possible! Thanks for reading, love you all, and byeeeeeeee xD

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