#6 - Skyzone!

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*The next day*

I finally fell asleep last night after a good two hours of thinking. I woke up this morning once again to the sound of Daniel playing the guitar. I've never heard the song he's playing so I'm guessing he's writing his own. I can't wait to hear it! I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the light beaming through the window. 

"Good morning y/n!" Daniel said smiling at me.

"Morning Dani" I said yawning.

"Dani?" he asked laughing


I got up and grabbed some food from the fridge. I sat on my bed and watched Daniel work on his song. Once I was done eating I headed to the bathroom and did my business. When I got back to the dorm Daniel set down his guitar and started talking.

"What do you want to do today y/n?" he asked.

"I don't know, what do you wanna do?" I asked back.

"Want to go to skyzone?" he suggested.


We ordered an uber to drive us there and got there after 15 minutes of sitting in the car. We said bye to the uber and went inside. I went to the counter and got our wristbands and socks. We headed to the trampolines and started running around like psychopaths. We headed over to the foam pit and were seeing who could do the best trick. I said that we should go together and see who could jump the farthest and Daniel nodded in agreement. 

"Ok, go on 3" I told him.


"1" I started counting down, "2... 3...". We both jumped our furthest. When I jumped I closed my eyes and instead of landing in the foam like I expected, I landed on Daniel where he was on his back and I ended up on my stomach on his chest. "OMG, Daniel are you ok?" I said looking down at him. 

"Yeah" he said laughing as well, "You're actually really light". When he was talking I started to get lost in his eyes again. We were staring into eachothers eyes for a few seconds and I noticed him glance down at my lips and back up to my eyes. I started to lean in slowly and we were only about an inch away from each other when we heard the worker.

"You guys need to get out of there so the next person can go!" he yelled. I blushed and quickly realized what was happening and got off of Daniel. We both jumped out of the foam pit and went to find a table to sit at. We sat down in silence for a few minutes before Daniel started talking.

"Umm w-we should head back.. it's getting late".

"Oh, ya ok" I said back. Daniel ordered an uber to take us back to the dorms. The drive back was silent other than the soft sound of the radio that was playing. Once we got back to the dorms I decided to take a shower. I grabbed all my stuff and pajamas for after. I went to the bathrooms and took care of all my stuff and headed back to the dorm. When I got back Daniel was on his bed, on his phone. When I walked in Daniel shut his phone off and smiled at me. I wonder if he's hiding something from me..

"Y/n wanna watch a movie?" he asked quickly.

"Sure!" I said back with a smile. Daniel went to grab snacks while I set up netflix. We decided on watching the fault in our stars. Daniel came back with snacks and sat on my bed with me so we could share. I started the movie and once again we kept throwing food at each other. We had a competition of who could catch the most food in their mouth in a row, which I of course won with 16 and Daniel only had 7. We continued watching the movie until I heard Daniel crying. I paused the movie and looked over at Daniel laughing. 

"What!? It's sad ok? He died! What kind of movie is this anyways?" he asked still crying.

"Your such a baby" I replied laughing. During the movie we both ended up falling asleep on my bed again. The next morning I woke up and Daniel was gone.


Hey my dudes!! I mean there's only like 8 of you at the moment but still! Thanks for reading and once again please vote, comment ideas, and i'll see you next time! Love uuu, byeeee

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