#14 - How could you?

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"Thanks!" I replied leading him to where Daniel was. When we went to the backyard I saw something I never thought I would see. 

Yep, you guessed it! In the chair I left Daniel in I saw a girl sitting on his lap, her legs around his waist, him holding her close and them making out. My heart broke at the sight. I knew he was wasted but he still was cheating on me. I mean it is true that sober thoughts are drunk words/actions. 

I forgot that the kid helping me was still behind me. He must have realised why I froze because he came next to me and pulled me into a hug while I cried into him. 

"Hey, I'm so sorry. I'll take him back for you. What's your dorm?" I told him what dorm and building was ours so he could take him back. Daniel had a key so I figured he would get them in.

"Thanks for helping me. Here's my number if you need anything." I put my number into his phone and we went over to get Daniel. I walked up to the two who were still making out. I was about to kill this bitch, and my boyfriend. Well, my ex boyfriend.. This is wayyy over. I yanked her off of him by her hair, not caring if she went bald in the process. I proceeded to scream at her and ended up pushing her in the pool. Whoops?

I was gonna scream at Daniel as well but he was even more drunk than before and he wouldn't remember anyways, so I guess I'll save it for the morning. It will make it even better when he has a hangover, my yelling plus a hangover. That will hurt.

The kid who was gonna help me get Daniel back was watching the whole thing and laughed when I pushed her into the pool, I liked him already. As a friend!! Not like like!! He helped Daniel up and they left to get him home. Once he left I realized I never even got his name. Oh well, I will later I guess. 

Once they left I was still obviously pissed. How could he get mad at me when a random guy sexually assulted me? It's not like I wanted to kiss him! He didn't have the right to get mad, go drink, then cheat on me. 

I went to sit on the couch again and try to cool off a bit. I sat for a while before someone sat next to me again, this time they weren't too close so it was fine. They turned to me and started talking but I was too into my thoughts about how Daniel cheated so I didn't notice until they started waving in my face.

"Hello? Are you okay?"

"Oh sorry, just thinking I guess." I said giving a weak smile back at him. 

"It's fine, you look stressed." he said back sounding worried. Why was he worried about me? I don't even know him!

"Yeah.. I found my boyfriend cheating on me sooo.. I'm not in the best mood at the moment."

"oh, rough. Wanna go dance to get your mind off of it?"

"Sure, why not." I said shrugging and heading to the dance floor. The guy caught up to me and handed me a drink. I pushed it away and told him I don't drink. He told me it would help and that I didn't have to drink a lot so I eventually gave in. I'm only gonna drink one, I still have to walk all the way home. 

After a while of dancing I've had a few drinks and was a little drunk. Whoops.. He told me his name was Eben and asked for my number. I gave it to him because why not? I just got cheated on, I don't care what Daniel has to say. I went to get another drink when I saw a familiar looking blonde. He turned around and once he saw me his face went from happiness to worry. 

"Y/n!? Are you drunk?! I thought you didn't drink! What's wrong?" he said worried as he rushed over to me. 

"I'm fine! Leave me alone." I tried to push past him but he grabbed my wrist and spun me back around.

"You're not fine! You're drunk! Common, let's get you home." I sighed knowing I wouldn't win this fight. Corbyn put his arm around me to help me walk as we headed back to my dorm. Great, Daniel is gonna be there! Please sense the sarcasm in that. 

When we got back Daniel was sleeping. Corbyn put me on my bed and put my blanket on me. He said goodnight and left. I instantly fell asleep forgetting my problems. That is until the next morning, when they would all come rushing back. Along with the anger and sadness. 


WAYOO! Thanks for reading!! It means a lot to see that people actually read this! We just hit 300 reads!! Thanks to everyone who has been voting and continuously reading this! I love you all!! BYEEEE

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