#10 - Coffee Shop

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Today was the day that Jonah had to leave. I really wish he didn't have to, but I'm glad our room can finally have some space. I was still laying in bed with my eyes closed as I felt arms around my waist. I opened my eyes slightly confused and also realized my head was on someones chest. I looked up at their face and saw Daniel. As I remembered the events of the previous night I was still staring at Daniel. He started smiling and his eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the sunlight from the window. He looked at me and noticed me staring. 

"Are you watching me sleep?" he asked laughing. 

"Only for like 5 seconds" I said smiling at him. He laughed as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. I smiled back up at him and got out of the bed. I noticed Jonah was still sleeping so I decided to wake him up. I walked over to his bed and started jumping on him. 

"Y/n!! Stop I wanna sleep!" he said rolling away from me.

"You can't sleep, you have a flight to catch" I said sadly.

"Oh yeah.. I don't want to leave!" he said pushing me off.

"Jonah, you have to. You can't stay here any longer" 

"Yeah Yeah, I'm going. I'm gonna visit again soon though". He got up and started cleaning his things. I sat on my bed next to Daniel and was really sad that Jonah had to leave. They must have noticed because they both came and gave me a big hug. I smiled and thanked them, I stood up and helped Jonah pack so he wouldn't miss his flight. Once we finished I ordered an uber for Jonah. I couldn't go with him because of classes so I at least payed for his uber for him. We said our goodbyes and Jonah was on his way. I had to go get ready for class so I headed to the showers. Once I was done I changed and went back to the dorm to get my stuff. I grabbed my stuff for my class and Daniel stood up and came with me. We headed to class and once we reached my class I said bye to Daniel. He said bye back but he also gave me a kiss on the cheek. I blushed and headed into my class to my normal spot. Corbyn was already in the class and smiled at me when I walked over.

"Ooohhh! Y/n's got a boyfriend!" he cooed at me.

"No I don't, be quiet!". I laughed and hid my face. He laughed at me and made fun of me the entire class.

Once the classes were over me and Corbyn headed out together and Daniel was waiting in the hallway for me. We walked to the dorm to put our stuff away and headed to the quad to walk around. While we were walking around we found a little coffee shop on campus that we didn't know about. We went inside and sat down in a booth. After a while of sitting in there Corbyn said he had to go. We said bye and continued talking. I eventually offered to go get drinks for us. I got Daniels order and headed to the counter.

"Hey, what would you like?" the cute boy with curly hair asked me.

"2 caramel frappes please" 

"Coming right up". He went back and made the frappes and handed them to me. I payed for them and headed back to the booth. I handed Daniel his and we sat down and talked. We noticed the guy who made my frappes didn't have any co-workers and looked bored so we invited him to come sit with us. He said sure and sat by me. We were talking and I asked for the boys name.

"Hey what's your name by the way?"

"Jack" he said smiling at me. We continued talking for a while and we decided to head back to the dorm. We got Jack's number so we could hangout more later. We headed to our dorm and both flopped onto our beds. We turned on a movie and both drifted to sleep.


HEY!! thanks again for reading my beautiful 3 readers! xD This chapter is kinda short because my mom keeps nagging on me to clean stuff sooo I should probably go, BYEEE

Dorm-Mates ~ Daniel Seaveyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें