#26 - Stage

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"Daniel I can't do this!" I breathed out, pacing around my dressing room. I was all dressed up in my Dorothy costume and the musical was about to start. Me and Daniel have practiced as much as we possibly could in the past few months leading up to this moment but I still am nervous as hell. I know I'll have Daniel by my side the entire time, as well as Jack, Corbyn, and Zach who ended up getting to play Toto instead of having a real dog. Its cool though because seeing Zach crawl around dressed as a dog makes up for not getting an actual dog. 

"Yes you can! We've rehearsed a lot and your gonna have us all by your side if you mess up." he said motioning to Corbyn, Zach, and Jack who were all squished onto the small couch dressed as their characters. They smiled up at us and nodded their heads. 

"Fine" I huffed out. "But if I embarrass myself in front of the whole school I'm not talking to any of you for at least a week"  I pointed to all of them giving a death stare which just made them laugh which obviously made me laugh too. 

The stage manager came in to tell me it was time to go. I nodded and walked over to the door, looking back to see the boys giving me thumbs up. I giggled and followed the stage manager to the front of the stage where the curtains were about to open. I stood in the middle of the stage behind the curtains as the musical was being announced by our director. I looked to the side and saw Ana with a big smile on her face also giving me a thumbs up in her green makeup and witch hat. I giggled and took a deep breath before the curtains opened.


The play surprisingly went pretty much perfect. Zach fell once which was just funny and Corbyn dropped the oil can but I didn't mess up AT ALL! And from what Jonah said made it sound like I was actually kinda good! Of course he ran backstage once it was over and gave me a huge hug. He told me how 'amazing' I did and gave me some flowers but then ran away to find Ana with an even bigger bouquet of flowers. I didn't really mind that he left though because I knew how big his crush was. I keep telling him just to ask her out but hes too nervous I guess..

I was in the middle of talking to Zach about how the play went and making fun of him for falling when Ashley came running over to him. They kissed and started talking about the play. I heard her calling his outfit cute but I think she means hilarious. He's a dog for crying out loud!

"I told you you'd do amazing" I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see Daniel with even more flowers in his hands. I smiled at him and gave him a hug. 

"Thanks Dani, but I couldn't have done it without you" I smiled up at him. He smiled back at me and planted a soft kiss on my lips. He pulled out of the hug and handed me the flowers. I took them out of his hand and set them down with the flowers Jonah gave me. I went back over to him and we of course talked about the play. 

Once we left a few people congratulated us on the performance. We walked back to the dorm hand in hand until Daniel realized he left his key in the dressing rooms. I groaned and sat against the door while Daniel ran back to find them. I decided not to go because I was wiped from performing. 

A few people passed by while I was waiting but nobody I would've recognized. It felt like an hour of sitting there before I fell asleep. Daniel must not have been able to find them if he was taking that long. I fell asleep on the floor outside of out door. Not very comfy if you ask me..

I eventually felt myself being picked up which I assumed was Daniel because it smelt just like him and the sweatshirts I always steal. I leaned my head onto him and held on to make sure I didn't fall before falling back asleep, never opening my eyes. 

I felt myself getting set down onto my bed before quickly drifting back to sleep.


HEYOOO! I'm back bitches!! Jk please no get mad! but seriously I'm back from vacation which was fun, thanks for asking. I never really had time to write at all while I was there or anything soooo i'm sorry its been a while but I'l try to update often again!

Anyways, thanks for reading, byeeeeeeeeeee!

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