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Before getting into the story, let me introduce myself. I'm Cassidy Lew and I'm 17 years old. Sean's my big brother and he's just a year older than me. I sometimes forget he's my brother because we're like bestfriends that fights a lot.

Sean and I were born in Los Angeles and lived there until I was 8 years old. We moved to Chicago because of Dad's business. To be honest, Chicago was an interesting place but my heart, obviously, lives in Los Angeles.

I was super thrilled when Dad told us that we're moving back to Los Angeles. Sean and I found hard to saying goodbye to Chicago but however, we're still super excited to go back. Even though we left LA for almost 8 years, Dad didn't sell the house or anything—instead he just left the house empty.

It was mid-May when we moved back into LA. When we arrived at our house, all of the nostalgic feelings attacked the entire family. As we entered the house, Sean and I mumbled in sync, "Home Sweet Home."

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