14: Digging Information

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Cassidy's POV

It was Saturday morning and Los Angeles was surprisingly raining that day. But before I managed to wake up, my phone rang and it wasn't the alarm.

I hovered around me to find my phone and when I did, I grabbed it and looked at the name on the screen. My visions were completely blurry at that moment so I randomly swiped to answer it.


It was clearly Kenneth.


"Oh, good. Nice to know you're breathing today."

"It's barely even 6, why are you calling me?"

"Nothing, just making sure you're okay," he said with his husky morning voice. It's weird how I could manage to smile but I couldn't even open my eyes.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Good. So, 4 pm practice at my place," he said sharply.

"Nice move, Kenny. You could just say that you're calling to remind me about the practice at the first place and not your cheesy excuses."

"Oh, don't be so sure. I always mean what I say."

I tsksed at his—still cheesy response but he continued, "Anyway, should I pick you up or—"

Before Kenneth managed to finish what he meant to say, a glimpse of yesterday's dream flashed in my mind. And hearing Kenneth's offer to pick me up means that he's going to be driving and we're going to be in the same car.

Grant was the only acceptable dream-come-true thing, nothing much.

"No! No no no, that's really unnecessary," I replied, cutting his lines.

"Oh, okay. My fuel's almost out anyway. But for real right?"

"Yeah, I could—" I felt unexplainably groggy at that time, probably still overwhelmed with the dream.

"You could ask Sean to drive you, right, like usual," he was surprisingly groggy too. I think he felt guilty for not being able to pick me up.


This is where what we like to do the most happened, creating silence.

"So, um, 4 pm ya?"

"Got it."

"Aight, bye Cass."

"Bye Kenny." I hung up.

I didn't really dress up much since I knew that I was going to sweat so much. And by that I wore a really thin Coconut Islans t-shirt and my blue running shorts.

I shoved my charger and my wallet in a small backpack and hurried to Sean's room as it was almost 4 pm and I hate being late.

I knocked the door and hurried in and saw Sean was on the phone, staring at the ceiling. "Sean, could you take me to Kenneth's, please? I'm about to rehearse for the video, for your video."

Sean pulled his phone away from his ears and covered the speakers with his hands, "Sorry, I'm like really busy right now. I love you, but this is a school work and I really need to put my mind in it."

"Then how do I get there? Kenneth can't pick me up," I grunted.

"There's Grant downstairs with his aunt. You can ask him to drop you off, use my car. The keys are behind you. Love you, Cass," he said as he blew a kiss to me and continued phone calling.

I took the car keys and rushed downstairs. Unsurprisingly, my mom questioned why I was in a rush, as usual.

"What's with all the rush? Where are you going?"

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