11: Nightmare I

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Cassidy's POV

That night was just Kenneth and I, inside his car on a highway to nowhere. The car wasn't tranquil for the both of us since we were blasting to Arctic Monkey's newest album, Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino.

We were talking seriously but for some reasons, all I heard was the song, not our conversation. Kenneth seemed very uncomfortable with our chat that time. It was very clear—since he drove the car and his left hand kept scratching at the back of his neck. That was how you indicate if Kenneth is nervous or somehow inconvenient.

At some point of the highway, Kenneth was still driving and we were still chatting, but I knew what he said this time.

"I like you. God, I can even say I'm in love with you"

That was the exact words he said to me—sometimes stealing glances of me in between his seriousness in driving. My response was nothing more than a blank stare darted at Kenneth beside me. I didn't toss anything, not even a single word at him. I didn't know what to say, to be exact.

Before I even manage to say anything, there was suddenly a bright blinding light, shooting towards me. "Cass, watch out!" he screamed.

It all went pitch black.

Suddenly, I was at the front porch of my house. I was all by myself and there was no Kenneth this time. I dragged myself towards the door, knocked, and twisted the doorknob.

Slowly, I pushed the doorknob and I quietly entered my house. I didn't want to wake anyone up since it was somehow late so I tip-toed my way to the stairs.

As I was about to turn right to the stairs, there was a guy, somehow my age sitting at the couch in front of the TV. He tilted his head to face me. His face was ambiguous. I've met him somewhere, but I'm not sure who he was.

He smiled and asked, "Missed me?"

And I woke up.
"Cass, wake up we're almost late! Get in the sho—" he opened the door to my room and gasped. "DUDE! You're creeping me out!"

I expressed nothing through my face as I sat at the edge of my bed, looking at panting Sean.

"Ha-have you showered yet?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Are you ready to go to school?" he asked.

I shrugged.

"Just, go get your breakfast or do your hair or something. I'm gonna go shower," he said as he closed my door.


I picked the strap of my backpack up from the couch and grabbed my water bottle under it. "Where's the key? I'll get the car out."

Sean looked at me confusingly, "okay," he said still with a confused tone. "On the dining table and please be careful."
Without saying anything, because I wasn't in the mood to, I grabbed the car key and walked straight forward to the car.

As soon as the car was out, I moved from the driver's seat to the passenger's seat beside. Maybe the reason why I wasn't in the mood to do anything or interact with anyone was because I was too busy solving the meaning of my dream last night.

Possibilities of who the guy at my dream was were racing through my mind as if it was a competition. He was somehow as tall as Kenneth but he had a lighter skin. I could only remember half of his posture but his face was completely blurry. It was either blurry, or it was clear but I completely forgot about it.

It's really annoying when you had an interesting dream and when you were trying to think about it, your mind automatically wipes everything about that dream. The story plot, the characters, the locations, everything was wiped.

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