20: I Don't Know About You But

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Cassidy's POV

"How's everything going?" asked Maddie.


"Yeah, you and Kenneth," she cleared.

I widened my eyes in confusion and asked, "What? What's wrong with us?"

"The dance—Sean's project, right?"

I let out a huge sigh of relief, "Yeah, right." Until that second, I just realized that I didn't share my feelings enough to Maddie. Overthinking is my job but I feel like I'm not being as open as I was to Maddie.

She didn't know how I feel, what was happening between this so-called flirtationship, and she knew nothing about Grant. I feel like I should tell everything to her—I must tell everything—I was just waiting for the perfect time to talk.

The bell rang at the exact moment Maddie closed her locker. "See ya later, Cas!"

"Later, Mads!"

Having English on the last period made my eyes droopy and it got heavier every second. The audible and inaudible yawns in that class was uncountable. I kept on checking the time every thirty seconds and it made me sigh knowing how slow the time was ticking.

It was finally the last ten minutes in that class and I got less sleepy. Well yeah, I wasn't as sleepy as I was thirty minutes before but I still yawned every once in a while.

I felt a vibration on my thigh and it was coming from my phone. It felt strange because no one every text me on the last period especially at this very moment. I calmly pulled my phone out from my pocket and lit up my phone.

I told Sean that I'm picking u up hehe.

My eyes got wider in instant but there was this smile slowly shaping my lips and I can't hold it back. I rushed my thumbs and managed to text Sean.

Cassidy L
Did u just let Kenneth to pick me up?

I'm giving yall a chance alright

Cassidy L
Yea right.

      I locked my phone right after I hit the send button.

I sighed, Boys.
"So where are you taking me exactly?" I asked as I buckled on the seat belt.

"Um, no need to use the seat belt. We're almost there," he said in a slightly rushed tone.

I looked around the side, front, and back window of the car. As far as I'm concerned, there's no place or even a spot that we could kill time together. No cafes, no library, no coffee shop, nothing.

"Kenny, where are you taking me?" I asked once again seriously.

He chuckled, "To be honest, there's something weird going on when you call me 'Kenny'—weird in a good way, for sure."

I gasped knowing that I asked him the same question twice and he answered none of them. I punched his arm lightly.

I noticed that he stole a millisecond glance at me and chuckled, "Calm down, Cassie. We're almost there." I tsksed and rolled my eyes in response.

There wasn't fifteen seconds and the car stopped. "We're here, Cass-Cass," he paused, "Hey, I actually like Cass-Cass better than Cassie."

effortlessly // k.s.j fanfic (on going)Where stories live. Discover now