1: Readapting

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Cassidy's POV

"Cass, what date is it today?" asked Sean.

I immediately lit my phone on to see the date, "10th of June."

"Great," he exclaimed. "Are you coming? Matt's having a class at 12 tomorrow. So that's, Sunday."

"Sure," I said. We both created a silence for a solid 5 seconds and exclaimed in sync, "WAIT!"

We looked at each other and bursted into laughter, "We spent too much time together, Sean."

"I know right, you go first," Sean said as he stood up and took a seat beside me on the sofa.

I rotated my sitting position so that we're face to face, "When was the last time we went to Matt's class?"

"I don't know. Like, three months ago when he went to Chicago, right?" he answered with uncertainty. "HOLY SCHNITZELS that was old. Now I miss Matt."

"Same here. So what did you want to say earlier?" I asked as I laid my body aside to the sofa backrest. Sean said nothing as he stared blankly into the void. "The heck, Sean. Are you possessed?"

"Shut up, I'm trying to remember what I wanted to say," he answered with his stare still blank. I rolled my eyes as a respond to his stupidity. "Y'know what? Forget it," he said as he stood up and hit my face with a pillow.

"Hey! What was that for?" I stood up and threw myself on my bed. Sean joined me and threw himself on my bed as well.

He chuckled as he unlocked his phone. I furrowed my eyebrows at his response. "Come on, Cass. As if shoving a pillow on your face isn't something that I do often," he said and I rolled my eyes to his irritatingly true answer.

"Anyway, don't you just miss Los Angeles?"

"Sean, we've moved since like two weeks ago," I explained. "All though I get your point. And I'm not saying that Chicago is bad, I kinda miss my friends there too."

"Exactly. I may live in Los Angeles for 6 years before and I lived in Chicago for about 8 years but my hometown is LA. Home is where you find comfort, love, peace, and yourself. You might go to numbers of amazing places but at the end you'll miss a place called home," explained Sean as he stared at the ceiling putting his phone aside.

Hearing him explaining made me woke from my bed and left my bottom jaw hanging, "where the hell did that Sean come from?"

"You see, Cass. The changes that love does to you are somehow unpredictable—be careful," he said. I still couldn't believe if he was the real Sean as in my brother Sean Charles Lew. He has always been so reckless and he hasn't even been in a serious relationship in his almost 18 years of living.

It hit me like a tidal wave. Oh god, "Sean Charles Lew, are you currently in love with someone?" He looked back at me and left my room with a wink.

"What was that supposed to mean?!"
"Take a shower and we're leaving for McDonalds," he commanded.
I left the bathroom with a piece of towel wrapped around my body and opened my wardrobe. It's just McDonalds, nothing fancy—besides the foods. So I decided to wear a hoodie and black shorts.

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