3: Reveal

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Cassidy's POV

"Cass, wake up. We're gonna be late for school," I woke up to Sean practically kneading my cheeks as if they were dough. I'm not complaining since he does that all the time so I'm used to it.

"School sucks," I mumbled as I stretched both of my arms and legs out.

"Yeah, but your cheeks don't," he said still kneading my cheeks. I brushed my eyes and got a clear view of Sean sitting next to me. "Come on, I'll make you breakfast," he stood up as he reached out his hand to pull me. Sean's dishes are the best. He makes toast tastes expensive and rich; it's not fair he's too talented.

I stood up as he pulled me out of my bed, "What are you making for breakfast?"

"What do you want me to?" he asked. I didn't replied because I was still gathering all of my souls together since I just woke up three minutes ago.



"What do you want? Cheese omelet?" he offered and I nodded. "Good that. Go take a shower, you stink."

I dragged myself to the shower and I contemplated about life. I didn't contemplate as long as I did in weekends. I better get ready for school or else Sean and I will be late and I hate being late.

As soon as I finished showering, I dragged myself into my wardrobe and decided to go with grey running shorts and long tee. Before dashing my way downstairs, I pulled my bag and collect all of my school supplies.

"I smell cheesy omelet!" I yelled as I rushed myself downstairs. I sat at the breakfast bar with an empty plate in front of me and there was Sean making his way with his pan of two cheesy omelets and a spatula on the other hand.

Sean carefully tilted the pan and pushed the omelet with his spatula on my plate, "Hot caution, lil sis."

I then greedily grabbed spoon and fork and start eating the cheesy omelet religiously. Sean's dishes made me foodgasm. "Diz iz zow ghood," I mumbled with mouth full of omelet.

"Cass, that's disgusting. Eat quietly and get into the car."


"Meet me at my locker after school, alright," Sean ordered. I nodded and waved him goodbye. I walked to my locker and I saw Maddie, which we're in the same class for the first period.

"Maddie, wait up!" I exclaimed as I picked my pace up.

"Cassie! Where are you going, class is about to start?"

"I'm just gonna take my notebook and my Economy textbook," I answered.

"Got ya, I'll save a seat for you. Hurry though."

After I got my books all together, I ran to the Mr. Herbert's classroom. I immediately sat on the available seat right next to Maddie.

"I challenge you to not sleep in this period" I whispered to her.

"Game on"


School's over and so I walked to Sean's locker. Before I even made it to his locker, I saw he was talking to a girl that unbelievably looks similar to me. I immediately stopped myself and peeked at Sean and this girl that I believe she was the 'Hazel' girl that he was talking about. I couldn't help but smile knowing that my reckless brother actually has interest with an actual girl.

After they separated, I approached him, "Hey there, lovebird."

"You did not just see that," he said as he slapped his palm on his face and closed his locker.

"I totally did," I said giddily.

"Whatever, let's go"

We walked to Sean's car and as we were walking, my phone ringed from receiving a message and lit my phone on. I didn't want to unlock my phone just yet so I read it from my lock screen.

Cass, give me another chance

I opened the car and got in, I mumbled, "That's weird."

Sean started the engine and took a little gaze at me, he asked, "What is?"

I told Sean about the message from an unknown number and he jumped to the weirdest and the truest but traumatizing answer, "It's definitely your ex."

"No, it's n—"

"Check it right now," he ordered shortly as he drive

I immediately attempted to type with my shaky hands: Who's this?

"Anyway, I talked to Hazel today," Sean added

"I know. I saw, Sean."

"Right. She was just like you, Cass, I'm telling you. To be honest, if you weren't my sister, I would deffo date you."


"Again, love. It's just simple self-love and take that as a compliment will you?" said Sean as he nudged his elbow to my arm.

"Hey—" just when I wanted to attack him back, my phone lit up and it was the worse text I've got in this week.

It's Lucas. Can we please talk?

"Oh shit," I froze.

"Told ya, lil sis. Now calm down, ya. You don't need to reply him if you don't want to. After all, he's your ex," Sean explained as he put his hand on my head and starts messing my hair.

"Thanks for pointing that out as if I wasn't aware of that," I brushed his head off of my head.

We stayed silent for about three minutes and when it was the turn to our house, Sean didn't surprisingly take the turn. "You missed the turn, Sean."

"I haven't told you yet?" I shook my head giving him the no sign. "We're going to Ken's house."

Wait what? He hasn't even told me yet and what was his intention? I must ask something.

"Wait what?"

"Wait yeah. He told me I could hang out so I decided I'd go there after school with you—since you guys are prett—"

"Are we invited or something?"

"I wouldn't say that because I hinted him that I'm gonna be bored so—"

"This day cannot get worse," I grunted as I sunk my body at the backrest of the chair.


Sean pulled the car in front of Kenneth's house and he started messing up my hair, "You're gonna be fine. Have fun with me and Ken and forget about Lucas, ya? Give me your phone"

"I'm so gonna finish you like a cheesecake," I grunted as I pulled his hand from my head and gave him my phone.

We went out of the car and Sean opened the gate. The house wasn't fancy and the building wasn't that big but the front porch was quite wide and it looks fun to roll over it.

"You're here!" a voice that I know started greeting me and Sean. It was Kenneth at the front porch of the house playing with his golden retriever puppy.

Uh-oh. Sean has this weird thing where he goes nuts when he sees a dog. "CUTE DOGGO" squealed Sean as he dashed towards the puppy.

"Sorry, Sean is crazy for dogs and by crazy I mean lunatic," I explained to Kenneth as he walked towards me.

We stopped to meet each other at the bottom stairs of the front porch. "He's cute. The puppy's cute too," Kenneth said as he looked at Sean having heart eyes for the puppy.

"You're cute too," he said.

I was 100% I didn't mishear that. I wasn't drunk, nor tripping, nor crazy, nor lunatic.

"Pardon me?"

"I said you look cute. You just got home from school right?"

He cannot say that I'm cute anymore unless we're dating.


"Yeah, Sean didn't even tell me that we were about to go here. But oh well, here we are." He chuckled and scratched the back of his head awkwardly. So. Cute. "Hey, can I use the bathroom?"

Kenneth showed me the direction but didn't lead me there because he wanted to play with Sean and the puppy that seemed to have 'Zac' as a name.

After getting out of the bathroom, I spotted Sean, Kenneth, and zac were chilling on the sofa by the TV and my stupid brother said, "Your ex texted you again."

He's so dead.

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