24: Cassie

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Cassidy's POV

So who even is Kenneth Paul San Jose? He's my brother's friend and I've known him since I was 10 years old. I would preferably say he's a quiet person—not that he's shy or he's an antisocial or anything, he just talks necessarily. But that was before we moved back to LA.

Remember when he swept me off my feet the first class since I moved back here? That was a total shocker for me. And the fact that my heart was racing out of my chest was unusual because I don't get easily attached to easily.

Remember when he was interested in my past love life in all of sudden? Well, not just past love life, more specifically my inner personality that I don't normally share with random people. And the fact that I opened up to him within the matter of seconds was a total shocker for me.

Remember when he was suddenly touchy and started to let our fingers intertwine as a way to comfort me? Do you think I hesitated and pulled back? Bold of you to assume I did because if that really was his way to comfort me, it worked perfectly.

Remember when he accidentally got Sean's permission to date me? I could feel confetti popping in his eyes and it was like his entire body was a party place. And the fact that he was super confident about being Sean's soon-to-be brother in law. How pathetically cute.

Remember when he lent me his clothes that smells exactly just like him? I believe it's still in my closet right now and I have no plan in returning it back.

Remember when we babysit Noah and he told me I matter to him? I could never get that out of my head.

Remember when he was jealous of Grant lending me his jacket and Ken said that he wouldn't let Grant get in his way?

It was all because I almost crashed into Kenneth San Jose by the restroom.

So what happened while I was in Chicago? Why the sudden heart-eyes San Jose? Why the sudden Kenneth Kavinsky? Why the sudden suave San Jose? But the real question is, how could the cold hearted Kenneth San Jose got wrapped around Cassidy Lew's finger?

I should stop this remembering thing since these memories are somehow permanently planted in my head like a chip. The things that Kenneth would do to me just to make me feel happy and safe are unbelievable and somehow overwhelming.

All those cheesy confession he said made me feel speechless and made me want to cry a bucket of tears. I wanted to yell at his face that I feel exactly the same as he does. I wanted to let him know that I appreciated all of his efforts and I love every bit of time that I spend with him, even if it's just texting. And finally, I want to scream on top of my lungs on how much he meant to me and how much I loved him. There, I finally said it but I love him. I love Kenneth San Jose and I love how he always succeeded to make me feel special.

Maybe if I had the guts to say and admit it all out, he wouldn't have to convince me his feelings. I knew how much he loves me and vice versa. Maybe if I did say that I love him just as much as he loves me, would he say it again at that time, at the car? So focused and devoted until he had to look at me and lost his focus on the road?

If only I let him knew he was my everything, he was my home—the place where I found comfort just by the thought of being around him. His arms towering over me made me feel like nothing in the whole universe could harm me, not even a single touch.  

Oh, and remember when he said he would be insane if something bad happen to me? Then how is he now?

A blinding light hit me and made my eyes open little by little. It felt like my eyelids were glued together and there was no possible way I could open it. There was no problem in keeping my eyes closed for a few minutes more but the blinding light was so irritating, I had to open my eyes.

I keep breaking through my eyes and apparently the glue was very strong. From the effort of opening my eyes, I saw a sight of blurry shadows in front of me. I could tell it was a few persons' figure.

A few times, I stopped fighting to open my eyes. I let it a rest for a few moments and tried opening it again. Did it work? Barely.

I heard graduating murmurs around me. I couldn't tell what they're saying but it sounded like they're panicking, but it wasn't a panic panicking. The murmurs are somehow getting louder and thankfully clearer. At that moment I stopped trying to open my eyes and let my hearing sense process on what's going on around me, until I heard a familiar voice but it was broken, weak, and loss of hope. The voice that would always calm me down. The voice carefully whispered, "Come on, Cassie."

   This time, the voice didn't calm me down, instead it triggered me. And just like that, my eyes automatically opened by itself, slowly.

sooo it's been a while. But I still can't believe last Saturday I joined Kenneth's workshop in my country and I still can't move on from it!! He's cuter in real life haha and he dances better in real life as well if that make sense. But overall he's very kind and so inspiring. Still can't move on. Anywaysss don't forget to hit that vote and comment!! love u guyss❤️

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