7: You Make Me Feel

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Cassidy's POV
"Cass! Wait up!" shouted Maddie from behind—catching up my paces.

I didn't stop; instead I slowed my pace to wait for Maddie, "What's up with your phone?"

I tried to text her this morning as soon as I woke up but she hadn't reply yet. I was about to ask about our Art project since we're partners.

"I woke up super late this morning," she said with an emphasize, "I stayed up all night talking to—"

w h a t

I shoot my eyes on Maddie when she stopped talking. Who was she talking to? I know her so well and by well I mean she's not a night owl person—at all.


She smiled sheepishly and mumbled, "Jack."

"Wait? Seriously? And you slept at?"

"3 am," another sheepish smile was given.

"ARE YOU NUTS? What happened?"

She avoided my eye contact and that's where I knew she was struggling. "It's...It's complicated."

"Well that boy better make it up to you 'cause I know he don't want no ass kicked!"

She chuckled and let out a weak smile, "Chill, Cass. I'm alright. Anyway, why did you texted me?"

I was about to answer why but then my hand felt something buzzing and it was my phone that got in a new text.

It is I, Prince Kenneth San Jose. I would like to offer a proposal for Princess Cassidy Lew to take intensive practice with I. Yours truly, Prince Kenneth.


What would you do if KENNETH SAN JOSE texted you just like that. My body was overwhelmed with happiness so it let out with a huge grin on my face.

"Now, who is that?" asked Maddie as she leaned her head closer towards my phone.

I immediately pulled my phone away from her sight but it was too late, "Kenneth?!"

Now it was my turn to smile sheepishly, "Trust me, we're just practicing for Sean's video, nothing more."

"Yeah right, just practicing with that much of a message," said Maddie with a smirk smeared on her face.

"I guarantee you, no further than that!" I put up my index and my middle finger and folded down the other as a swear sign.

"What about the future?" she asked simply.

I smiled weakly and blushed, "I...I can't predict the future."

When I was on my way to last period, which is Mrs. Shelby's class, my phone was ringing and it was such a rare thing to happen since I'm not an important person that needs to be called.

And when I looked at the person ringing, it was prince.


"Cass? Why aren't you replying my message?"

Wow, Kenny. Playing the aggressive boyfriend much, ya?
"I'm still at school, Ken. I'm not on my phone"

I heard him sigh on the other side and continued, "Just ask Sean to drop you off at my place."

"Wait, what? Why?" Yes, Cass, playing dumb.

"We're gonna practice, Cass. For some apparent reason, I really want us to smash this," Kenneth said sounding really ambitious. It's not even his video but trust me, he's really hyped up about it.

I stayed silent; a half of me was thinking; and the other half was only wanting to make him curious. "So?"

"What if I say no?" Disgusting, Cass. You're such a tease.
He grunted and said, "Forget it. You have no option. You're coming over."

Just like that, I had chills all over my body.

The last period was finally over and I walked to Sean's locker, just like usual. And again, when I was about to get closer, he was talking with Hazel. He looked so happy talking to her and so was I. I walked slower just in time to give him more time to talk to her.

Hazel went away and left Sean with a cute wave and smile. Sean did the same thing and shoots his glare right into my eyes. "That smile is the death of Sean Charles Lew."

I laughed and patted him on the back, "You're gonna get her, alright."

He lead me out of the school to his car by pulling my hand. Before it was too late, I need to tell him that I'm not going home just yet.

"Sean, can you drop me off to Kenneth's place?"

He tilted his head to look back and smirked, "Let me guess. Practicing?"

"That's exactly it!" I exclaimed with no sarcastic tone at all.

We hopped into his car and he started the engine, "Alright."

Somehow, Sean's answer made me feel relieved. On the way to Kenneth's house, Sean asked me how my day went. He's such a caring big brother and he needs to be protected at all cost. He has done so much for me, I can never repay him.

As the conversation flew, Sean asked me, "I'm gonna practice with Kaycee as well, ya know. That means I can't pick you up."

Shoot. I forgot about that.
"I'm just gonna wait for you to pick me up. Besides, tomorrow's Saturday," I said calmly.

Sean's response was nothing more than just a smirk. Devious little brat.

"Alright, I'm picking you up at God knows when. As soon as I'm done, I'll pick you up," Sean said, "Or not."

I shoot him my deepest death glare and he stuck his tongue out.

"Don't sweat it, Sean. I'm gonna take a good care of Cass," he nudged my head and put his arm around my neck.

I sunk into him and got the perfect scent of his cologne. It was that good, you have no idea.

"Alright, have fun guys," said Sean as he left Kenneth's front porch and headed towards his car.

As soon as Sean's car left, he turned my body and placed both of his hands each one on my shoulders.

"Are you ready?" asked Kenneth with his eyes darted to mine.

"Chill, dude. You make me feel like this is Fifty Shades of San Jose."
CASSIDY LEW HAS NO CHILL!!! btw this chapter is so unnecessary but the next chapter will be... something.
ANYWAY, should there be Saycee? I love reading your comments and don't forget to vote!!!❤️ who the hell am I talking to😂

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