1 ["Good Morning"]

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Heavy Makeout session warning!!!

"Shh." Percy whispered, his hands going to Nico's sharp hip bones. Nico looked up, his dark eyes fluttering open. The sunlight burned through the windows, slivers of it escaping the curtains blockage.

Nico found himself almost smiling. The corners of his mouth twitching upwards, close to a smile, yet so far away from it. The older demigods hands went up, his hip bones feeling the cold morning air.

"Good morning, Angel." Percy greeted, his hair messy, and voice husky. Nico shivered, his chest developing goosebumps. Percy gave him a smirk, leaning down to Nico's bed.

Percy then gave Nico a kiss on the neck. Nico bit his own lip to avoid making a noise.

"I thought you slept naked." Percy said questionably. Nico gave a short, soft laugh.

"Well, after some demigod continuing to sneak into my cabin each morning, I thought it be best to cover up. You'll never know who'll come and see me." Nico spoke, his voice quiet. Percy looked into his eyes calmly. He then nodded, a smile playing on his face.

"Yes." He stated, getting into the bed. Nico laid there, captured in the sea green irises. Putting his knees on both sides of Nico, Percy managed to pin Nico's wrists down.

The mattress creaked at the movements. Nico let out a breath, his hands had been pinned above his head. This exposed his chest openly, his loose boxers starting to slant down his non-rigid frame.

"We wouldn't want other people to see you so exposed Nico. You'd get so embarrassed." Percy commented, his face moving to his ear.

Nico felt the warm breath of Percy tickle his neck, and he found himself biting down on his bottom lip again.

Continuing to pin Nico's wrists with one hand, Percy used his free hand to roam Nico's body. His tan hand leaving trails of tingles as they slithered along his body.

First at Nico's chest, his thumb circling both of his nipples. Then, down further, right to his fourth and fifth ribs. Percy placed his whole hand on his rib cage gently, creeping to his back.

Nico gasped as Percy kissed his chest, sucking and biting on it softly. The son of Hades found it hard enough to leave bruises. Hickeys

Percy's hand ran down his spine, each finger he pressed against with his soft touch made Nico arch his back. Nico started to breath heavily, Percy leaving his chest.

"Kiss me." He gasped, and Percy obeyed. Taking his hand off of Nico's wrists, he took the son of Hades in both arms. Keeping him in a tightened embrace, Nico's arched back served as a way to pick his body up.

Nico used this to his advantage, wrapping his legs around Percy's waist. Percy moaned as Nico's tongue slipped into his mouth. Exploring the roof of his mouth. Nico's hands went into Percy's hair. Making it messier than before, and brushing the raven locks away from Percy's face.

Percy deepened the kiss, pressing Nico's bare back– and body– against the wall.

"So–" Percy breathed, "sexy."

Nico groaned in pleasure as Percy freed one of his arms and placed his hand on Nico's high thigh. His fingers pinching his skin and boxers.

Nico stopped using one of his hands for Percy's hair. His hand reaching to Percy's pants. Percy used his tongue to lick Nico's lips, and gladly let Nico's hands into his pants.

Seeming erotic (1) to Percy, he then used his hand to mess with Nico's boxer strap. Nico gasped, Percy's hand lowering the elastic band that was already stretched out and hanging off of Nico's wire-like-frame.

Breaking off the kiss to get a few seconds of air, a string of saliva dragged from both of the boy's mouths. Panting, Percy kissed Nico again.

The amount of fire and passion Nico felt was unreal. Nearly overwhelming him, just like every kiss he gets from the son of Poseidon.

End of Makeout session!!!
"Percy!" Annabeth yelled from behind the door. Her knuckles banging on the wooden door as if it would kill her to be gentle. Nico gasped, pulling his boxers up swiftly. Percy dropping him back onto the bed with a quick motion.

Both eyes fixed on the door.

"I doubt you need this long to wake Nico up! Are you sure I don't need to get Will, or even Hazel?" She questioned, growing slightly impatient at Percy's silence.

Percy sighed, kissing Nico's cheek once more.

"No." He hollered at her. "He's just not getting out of bed. I'll just carry him out, no big deal." He dismissed, hearing Annabeth's sigh from outside the cabin.

"Well, hurry up. Breakfast is almost ready and we have to talk about date night later." She informed, her eyes looking at her feet.

"Alright. Well, you can go on ahead, I'll find Will if I need any help!" Percy told her.

"Okay." Annabeth replied, walking away from the cabin.

Nico sighed, "We can't keep doing this if somebody's gonna pop up here at 7 each morning." He grumbled, pulling himself away from Percy.

"Cheer up–" he stated. "– we could wake up early and go to the spot to do our thing if you'd like." He then suggested.

Nico wrinkled his nose in distaste. "Ew. I'd rather be being pinned down in a bed and not on the Earth's soil, to be honest." Nico stated, Percy cracking a smile.

Shifting off of the bed, Nico looked around, his closet was open already.

"Listen, we'll figure something out. Just wait and see il mio sporco piccolo segreto. (2)" Nico said, Percy continuing to smile. "You know, I'm not just your 'il mio sporco piccolo segreto' I'm also the dead-boy-walking here, as of 8 o'clock, I believe we are late to breakfast. Therefore, warning the acrimony (3) of Annabeth." Percy pointed out, Nico in the middle of getting some skinny jeans on.

His eyes widened, and he cursed. "Come on, we gotta get to breakfast!"
Nico exclaimed, throwing on a teal shirt and sneakers before Percy could protest.

As Nico rushed Percy (and himself) to breakfast, Percy couldn't help but whisper to him–

"Your butt looks great in those jeans."

1. Erotic (Basically means sexy)
2. il mio sporco piccolo segreto (my dirty little secret ~ Italian)
3. Acrimony (anger and bitterness)

I really don't know why I'm writing this fanfiction. Nor why I am using this ship. Let's make this clear, there is Percabeth, AND Solangelo here. Buttt, not for long. Imma create a dramatic plot to change all of it.


Without further introduction—


Chapter 2 in the making ;)

- Bridget

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