XLIV. Lace

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It all happened so fast.

Just like any other day, it felt like it was just ordinary, save for the season of Fall edging closer and closer towards everyone.

And just like any other ordinary day, Elvis Shunerman decided to visit (F/N).

For three months of Hange's absence, the two developed a very special bond. And they were not the only ones who knew about it. Marie, who knew Elvis' secret, covered for the two of them from Erwin. Rosemarie, who found out the secret by accident, thanks to her little sister, chose not to speak against him. Jonas was either away from the house or apathetic enough for (F/N) or even him that he never really cared what the two of them did whenever the man visited her. Not that they're doing anything suspicious, no. He just chose to ignore them in the first place. Erwin's cold treatment of him those three months ago was still fresh in his mind that he didn't bother thinking about anything else aside from his daily routine and his dilemma of just surviving each day. Nile, on the other hand, was still clueless. And so was Erwin.

But, just like that, it all happened so fast.

As promised, the stylists Erwin hired to make (F/N)'s state - of - the - art dress finally finished, ready for her to try it on.

And just like any other day, Elvis was there. Only this time, he's around to witness the little event.

(F/N) nervously entered the cluttered room like a patient who had set an appointment with the doctor. Except that there were no doctors or nurses around, just a bunch of bubbly middle - aged ladies who were all chatting happily, having finished their jobs successfully.

Marie cleared her throat, catching the attention of each and every occupant of the room. The ladies stopped talking with each other and turned to her and (F/N). (F/N) felt a strange sensation in her chest that was threatening to burst out of her. It was the first time she's going to wear something extravagant, or so her memory dictated. Levi, or Elvis, just clicked his tongue: he wasn't pleased with all the mess.

"Ah, you came just in time, Milady!" announced their leader. "As promised, we have finished the gown!"

Gown, thought (F/N), she said gown.

"Is it - is it really necessary for me to wear one?" (F/N) asked politely. "I mean, I do have a spare dress that I haven't worn. I could simply use it for the Season,..."

But, before she could even finish talking, all the stylists laughed really hard at what she said.

"Milady, ladies do not wear Sunday or Riding dresses on balls. They wear the proper gowns to appropriately match the event." Said the stoutest of the five stylists. "How can you snag the best of the bachelors with just a single, freaking, fabric?!"

(F/N) winced at what she just heard from her, whereas the offender was painfully nudged at the side with the bony elbow of the lady on her right.

"(F/N), even if you don't intend on snagging the best bachelor, you still have to appear with the proper attire. It is a formal event, after all. You are expected to do so." Marie answered (F/N)'s query. "Don't you think so, Mr. Shunerman?"

Don't freaking ask me, woman. "Yes. I' am afraid it is very mandatory." He said in a defeated tone. At the first mention of (F/N) trying out her gown, he became very anxious, and he couldn't really explain why.

It's as if something dreadful was coming.

(F/N) gulped and just nodded in defeat.

"Alright." She proclaimed in a weak tone. "I'll wear it."

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