XLV. Company

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It will work. It will, must, most definitely work out.

Levi Ackerman had been chanting those hopeful words in his head on his way back home.

At least, that's what he believed.

Thankfully, the cool fall air calmed his senses a bit. He loved the smell of summer, but there was something about the pre - Winter season that gave him a sense of peace, a sense of quiet, and harmony.

For him, that particular season had the ability to stop time, itself, for him to relax.

He should've had stayed outside, then.

Before he could even open the door, he sensed movement on the other side. He also heard some noises.

His eyes widened for a bit. He simply thought it was impossible.

And the moment he opened the door, he knew for an instant.

His dreams and reverie of a peaceful fall was entirely and utterly destroyed.

"What in the actual - ?"

"Hello, Captain!" greeted the younger recruits altogether, like some pre - school children.

"Hi, Levi! Where have you been?" Hange obnoxiously screeched, grabbing his arm, letting him inside, and closing the door quickly behind him. "Come in! Come in!"

"Oi, Hange,..." he whispered savagely before the woman could even let himself be guided towards the visitors. "The hell are they doing here?"

"Captain, I cleaned all the rooms while you're gone!" Eren proclaimed, being the good and polite Cadet that he was. "I didn't do yours, so you'll have to do it, yourself."

"Eren, stop that." Ordered Mikasa, eyeing Levi with murderous intent from the corner of the room. "You're not his servant."

"Mikasa, would you like some tea?" Jean graciously offered, trying to give her a cup of the warm beverage. He was blushing like an idiot.

"Well?!" Levi screamed at Hange, frightening the hell out of the woman.

"I could explain everything,..."

Oh, how he wished he could take those words back.

"WHAT?!" Levi screamed in anger a few moments later after hearing the full story from her.

"Everything." Mikasa told him, her eyes getting darker by the second. She really looked like she wanted to murder someone. It may not be Levi, but she really did look like she could murder anyone.

"I knew that (F/N) is not dead." Eren was grasping the cleaning cloth, his boiling anger threatening to spill out of his system, but the boy was trying very much to control it. "I even knew that there was something wrong going on between the two of you the moment she started following you around!"

The boy was absolutely right.

"(F/N) being dead at the right time at the perfect opportunity of the annual migrations? Not to mention the killings." Jean coldly said. "I don't know about the others, but it sure screams suspicious to me."

"That's why we're doing everything we can to bring her back." Hange told them. "Before Erwin causes havoc in the Season."

"Bringing the brats here,..." Levi said, giving a Hange a very creepy look. "Don't you think you're also endangering their lives? We have enough lives on our shoulders, as it is! You didn't have to bring them along!"

"It's not like Section Commander brought us here." Mikasa stood up and went towards Levi like a panther that was about to pounce at its prey. "We came willingly. Knowing you, you'd probably hurt her, yet again. We're here to prevent you from doing exactly that."

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