Good Old Man

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Don't ever say that he isn't the nicest and kindest person you'll ever meet. For he is. He is nice and kind.

I'm having a hard time writing about him. I've been living most of my life with him but I never wrote a single piece of poetry about him. Maybe because I've grew too close to him that words can't describe how great he is as an old man and a friend, there are not enough words to describe how changed he is. Better, good, best is an understatement. He didn't just change for the better, he wasn't just a good friend, and he is not just a best person. He is a changed person who sympathies with empathy, a person who quitted late-night-bar-hopping and frequent drinking, who tied himself to his duty to his family.

I once hated him, for not letting me go out with ny friends, for not letting me attend outings with my classmates, for being too strict. But I came to understanding his sentiments, I get used to his rules.

I never saw him smile genuinely nor wear clothes nicely, he's a rugged man that dedicated his time to work for other people, without knowing he also deserves to have time for himself. But he changed, he became meticulous with what he wears and on Sunday he rests, I hear his laughter and I often see him smile, a smile that makes his eyes quirk at each side. I saw how he cried, whelp for thinking and feeling he's alone. I heard stories about him, being in his weakest state. I thought he is the strongest person, but even the strongest has its weakpoint like Superman's kryptonite.

He was so lost, but with the help of his good friends he found the way back. The trials and challenges that comes his way he faces them bravely, to protect his family is his another priority.

Even years has already passed, I still look up to him---not because I'm short in height but because he is my good old man---father.

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