What I thought love is

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Love has been a big part of our humanitarian culture. Fairytales played a big part in implying love to us even as a child. When I was just a kid, fairytales is at its peak, princess and prince charmings, a maid and a prince such as that. And being a girl with a growing fondness and interest to love stories and fairy tales, I've drawn in my head that a kiss is the depiction of true love. I fancied the thought of a knight in shining armor from nowhere to save a damsel in distress, be swift off the staircase by a lovely man, slay dragons, climb towers and lastly a kiss from a prince charming. Fairytales taught me that love is a longsuffering-willingness to be with the one you love. This has been the concept of love for me when I was just kid.

Years passed, choices and decisions are made that changed my perspectives. Love is nothing like of those fairytales, one's story does not simply end in 'happily ever after', there are bigger dragons to slay and higher towers to climb. In this generation where everybody is striving to be cold-hearted, it is a big defiant to find a prince solely in love. One of the challenge in love is the picking and choosing whom you want to slay dragons with and together climb towers. Today's relationships is like Jill and Jack climbing up the hill and the latter stumbling down and hurting alone.

I'm young but years of watching different types of movies, observing people and being in different situations, I am able to see the bigger picture and know the reality from bulls. Reading also helped me understand that things and concepts are not what we thought they really were. Love is the scariest part of being alive, while it provide euphoria to your existence it also has a lurking danger at the end of it. Noone has been perfectly happy, but as humans we are called to find joy and give love in any circumstances we are in.

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