Second Chapter

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Your POV
My dad tried to cheer me up last night. But I just couldn't forget about it. All that happened to me that day. I did smile. But I forced it. So my dad wouldn't be worried. I finally got done getting ready for school. I really don't want to go. Because I'm afraid of how it's going to be. 'What if they get even more mean...' I sighed and got my bag. Dad said I could use his truck from now on to drive to school. I go down stairs and then I see dad. He was getting coffee and looked at me. "I'll be working just come home." I nodded my head. "There will be money on the counter for you to buy dinner." I nodded my head again. "Call me if anything when you get home." "Ok." I then grab the keys for the truck and start it. Driving to school was a quiet ride. I didn't even play the radio. Pulling into a parking spot and parking. I get off and walk into school. Seeing the guys actually talking to Jane and her group of girls. I just sighed. I walk past the group and go to my locker. Getting my stuff for first period. 'Ok y/n...prepare for hell.' I say to myself in my head.

Time skip to after school.

I drove home. Opening the door I then walk in. Well...more like limp in. I was beaten up at school by Jane. During lunch. I couldn't do anything. Because I don't fight. Usually I didn't have to because of the guys. But they just watched. Nobody helped. Not even my brother or best friend. They just watched. Some of the guys even cheered Jane on. Like Tyler, Marcel, and Brian. Then David, Evan, and Jon too laughed at me. Lui, Brock and Craig just watched. I just let her beat me. Didn't fight back. Didn't cry out for help. Heck. I didn't even cry. But as soon as I walked into the house. I shut the door. And then I cried. Cried out loud. All the pain hurting now. I just went up to my room. I laid down. Feeling pain as I tried to lay comfortable. I feel tears fall. Basically after she beat me up I was in the nurses the rest of the day. Maybe tomorrow it'll be better. I fall asleep in my clothes.

-Skip to morning-

I wake up to see bruises. Then I remembered. 'Shit...How's dad going to react?...' I say in my head. I threw on my hoodie. Then I run out of the house. Yelling at dad. Telling him 'I love you.' Then hopping in the truck and driving off. As I parked I looked up at the mirror seeing my bruises cheek and cut lip. I sigh and get off. Locking the doors and walking into the school. Again, ignoring the guys. Pretending that I was never friends with them. That I was never an existence to them. Just a sister of one of their friends. Nothing else. Maybe it's for the best....Maybe this Friendship wasn't meant for me...

There's another chapter for ya! Hope you like it. And I'll see ya in the next chapter!!

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