Chapter 17

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Your POV

I sat against the door. I hug my knees close to me. As I rest my head. I stare off across the room. Jumping at the sound of my phone ringing. I look at it. It was Taylor. I stare at it.

Watching the screen. I place it down. Staring at it as I let tears fall. It stops. Going to voicemail. I look away. Closing my eyes. But it rings again. I sigh. Answering it. "H-hey Taylor.." I answered.

"Oh my God!!! Y/n! Guess what happened?!" She screams. I'm glad she didn't realize my tone. "What?..." I ask. Holding tears. "Luke kissed my cheek!!!" She screams.

"I don't even know what to say!!! He dropped me off at my cabin and before leaving he told me he cares about me... Then kissed me... I don't know what I should do if I see him tomorrow!!!" She was panicking.

I was silent. "Y/n... Are you there??..." She questions. I was trying to hold back my cries. "That's g-great Taylor..." I say. Sniffing. "Y/n?! Are you crying?! What happened??? Do I need to go over there?!?!" She asks. "Shit... You heard that?? It's f-fine. Nothin to w-worry about. I'm ok." I spoke quietly.

"Y/n... Don't lie to me..." She says. I don't answer. "I'm coming over there..." She spoke. "No." I say. "... what?" She asks. Caught off guard. "I said... No. I'm fine. Just... Be happy about you and Luke. I'm ok... I'm just tired. Don't come over." I say.

She was silent. I bit my lip. "Taylor... Please don't come over. I'm ok... Really. Just need to sleep..." I say. But got no response. "Tay-" "Ok then. Well, I'll just leave you alone." She spoke. Hanging up quickly. I sighed.

Looking at my phone. I stare at the screen. A picture of my new friends as the lock screen. I swipe my screen. It unlocking. I then stare at the home screen.

My old friends. My family. As the screen saver. I just stare at it. 'Im fucked up... And it's all because of losing you...' I spoke softly. I growl. Throwing my phone across the room.

It making clashes. Not that I care. It's only Jon home. I lean back. Closing my eyes.

*Knock knock*

"Leave me alone Jon.... You already have yelled at me and ruined my night." I spoke. I wait for a response. "Look... I'm not going to bother you... I'm not going start another fight... But can you at least... Just go hang out with your new... F-friends... They're here. They're worried. Go ahead... Leave with them. So you're happy..." He spoke.

I sit there. Shocked. I wanted to cry more. 'Did... Did I just here MY brother... The one who cares...' I question myself. "Y/n... Don't hide from them... They're all here. They need you. You need them..." He spoke. I sighed. Getting up. I opened the door. I see Jon. He looks at me. His eyes red.

He forces a small smile. "They're waiting... Pack some clothes and stay with Taylor... I'll tell Dad that you needed space... From my awful ass..." He spoke. I nod my head. Grabbing my bag. I pack some clothes.

As I finish I turn to see Jon still at my door. He was zoned out on something. I turn and saw my picture of me and him. I look back at him. "I'm done." I spoke. Catching his attention. He looks at me and nods.

"Ok... Got everything? Did you make sure?" I nod my head in response to his questions. Then he steps aside. "Ok... See you tomorrow..." He spoke quietly. I hesitate to move. But go.

"Yeah... I'll. I'll see you tomorrow then..." I spoke. As I walked up to him. I didn't know what to do. He looks at me confused. "Are you gonna le-" I hug him. Knowing it's most likely not going to be optional any other time.

He froze, and then relaxed. But he didn't hug back. Which I felt would happen. "Good night Jon... Thank you." I spoke. Then pull away and walk down to see the others. They stood up quickly. Looking relived.

We leave. Going to Taylor's cabin. Ohm told me he thought about it and apologize to the two. Which made me happy. Taylor didn't ask about earlier either. Making me relax. As I got sleepy.

Taylor's POV

"Oh... She fell asleep." Bryce spoke. Looking at y/n. As she rested on Ryan. He looks and smiles. "I'll take her to lay down..." Ryan spoke. "Don't try anything on her..." Bryce spoke jokingly but also serious.

Making Ohm scoff. "I would never do anything to her like that..." He spoke. Getting up and grabbing sleepy y/n. She doesn't do anything. But tries going back to sleep in his arms.

"Awe... That's so cute.." Bryce giggles. Ohm smiles and leaves. Taking her to bed. "So.... Now that y/n is gone... Why and how did you know we need to get her and bring her here?" Luke asks. Looking at me. I think about it.

"Well... I called her... She was crying when I was talking to her and I tried to ask what happened... But she refused to give me anything to know.   So I gave up and instead just called you guys and said she needed us. So that's why she's here..." I somewhat lied.

The truth being Jon. Who somehow had gotten my number and called me. Telling me everything that happened and he asked me to come get y/n. I couldn't say anything about him though.

That he wanted me to meet him some time at school. That he needs to tell me something and I agreed. Not wanting to bring the others along if anything, I didn't say anything to them.

And I won't. Not until I find out what is going on with these guys and what they have planned... Not even Luke will know until I know it's safe. Even if he's trusting.

Heyo peeps... I'm very tired, so sorry if this chapter is cerp. But if not hope you enjoyed and buh bye!!!

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