Chapter 24

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Your Pov

I was just ready to leave school. Jane talking to me as we walked together out the school. Her friends at her side. Smiling at me. Being 'nice' to me. I knew it was fake. Everything was. Everyone is.... Nobody cares. Nobody understands or will.

They say their goodbyes and walk the other way. I go my way. To my truck. Grabbing my keys out of my pocket. About to unlock my door and open it. But yet a hand beats me. Slamming next to my head. Holding the door close. Not phased by this. I don't jump, but frown at the hand and turn.

Only to see the one and only Luke. With his bitch face. "Oh hello Luke... What brings you here?" I ask calmly with a hint of annoyance. He glares. "Why the fuck are you talking to a bitch who's been treating you like shit and not Taylor??" He growled. I look at him with a simple smile. "Listen... It's none of you're damb business!" I say as politely as possible. "Besides..." I look at Taylor who was watching from afar. He looks too. "Your girlfriend doesn't look too happy at you either... So be a good boy and move along back to your master and leave me the fuck... Alone." I say coldly.

Opening my door. But he slammed it. Causing everyone to look. "You know What?..." He asks. I sigh knowing I have no choice but to listen. "What?" I ask. "I don't understand why she still cares about you... You're nothing but a bad and horrible friend." I felt something sting. "She gave you so much! Yet here you are being a fuckin bitch. I honestly think you deserve the shit you're going through!!" He yelled.

I was silent."Luke stop! Leave her alone!!!" I heard Taylor scream running over. Then something in me snapped. I was no longer in control. I stepped a little back. "Y/n!!!"
Luke now on the ground. Moved his hand up to his face. His back towards me. He looked up. His face all bloody. I stood above him. Crouching down to look at him as he turned. "You know, I never asked to be apart of your group... Yet I never wanted to be rude. So I'm sorry if I came to what I didn't belong to..." I spoke. Then I stood up turned and open my door.

"Sorry Taylor.. For ever coming into your fuckin life...." I say getting and driving off as soon as I started my truck. Leaving them in shock. Tears flowed down as I blazed home. Pulling into my driveway I shut off the truck. Sitting in dead silence. "FUUUUCK!!" I scream. Punching my steering wheel. Causing it to honk loudly out of nowhere. I lean on it and cry. My eyes shut tightly.

I sit like this for a bit. Then I laugh. "Fuck my life... Why did this have to be me?... All this shit I go through and I still cry? Maybe Luke was right... I do deserve this shit..." I say through my tears. 'No...' I growl. "No... I'm not giving this up... I'll show you... I'll show you all. Who exactly deserves pain..." I say with venom.

I then get out of my car. Taking my bag. I then hear a truck pulling up. Turning to see Tyler's truck. With Jon, Evan, David, Brian, Brock, and Tyler himself. My heart stopped. They were getting off. "Shit..." I say and turn to grabbed my keys. Then I run to the door. "She's runnin to the door!!" Nogla yells. "Fuck fuck FUCK!" I say trying to open the door.

"Wait y/n we just wanna talk!" Brock states. I look back and see them running up to me. Unlocking the door I rush in. "FUCK NO! I'm not putting up with your shit too!!!" I shouted and slammed the door shut. A loud thud and a yelp shortly after. I lock the door. Then there was banging on the door. I held myself against the door. Why? Because I was afraid they'd burst it open. I was trying to steady my breath at the same time.

Shaking from all this overwhelming emotions.
*Bang *Bang
"Come on open up y/n!" I hear Tyler shout. I slide down the door. Tears starting up once more. The harsh knocking never ceasing. Mumbling after. "Y/n!! Damn it open the door!!" I hear Tyler shouts pissed. I pull my knees close to me. Hugging them as if my life depended on it.

No pov

"Tyler calm down... You're just making it worse." Evan spoke. His eyes looking tired. Just like the others. "I just want to know what that bitch said to her..." Tyler says. Y/n hearing it all. Sat still in silence once more. Besides the knocking. Shaking... Crying... Silently. Her mind racing. God did she just want everything to stop. Then the knocking stopped. "Way to go Tyler. She's probably calling the cops..." Brian said now annoyed by Tyler's aggressiveness.

"Let me try... Please Tyler." Brock spoke. Tyler sighed and stepped aside. "Y/n? If you're still there... We just wanted to talk." He spoke loud enough for her to hear. Not trying to be as harsh as Tyler. "...." "Is that all ya got? How pathetic..." Brian spoke. His arms crossed. "Well I don't see you trying!!!" Brock spoke angrily. "If all you're gonna do is stand there a bitch about everything... Then please!! Be my guest and do it your way as if it'll make a freakin difference!!!" He spoke so coldly.

Catching everyone off guard. Brian was quiet, not saying anything. Brock glared directly at him. "Alright then!!" Brian growld and shoved Brock out of the way. "Aye y/n! Look we're here to speak with you... And I know you're still there.  In front of the door yeah..." He sighed. "This year has been a hell hole. For all of us. Especially you... And I know it's mostly thanks to us... But if you let us talk... We can explain our actions. Each and every one of us. But you have to let us in... I don't wanna force anymore pain one you than I already have had. " he says as he leans against the door.

The other boys watching. Brock pissed at Brian's action. Slowly uncrosses his arms. His eyes furrowed. But there was still silence. Yes he was right. Y/n was still there listening to it all. Evan then stood next to Brian. "Look we know we fucked up y/n. But we thought we were gonna keep you safe this way... Until it got worse and worse. We never knew it was gonna affect you... Yes we're all honestly fuckin retarded for expecting no harm to you..." Evan says.

But it was still silent. Then they hear a faint voice. "Please... Just go away. I'm too weak for this... I-i can't bear this weight. Just leave." It spoke. So faintly. Jon then walked up. Brian and Evan stepping aside. "Hey baby sis..  It's me Jon..  I know I'm the last person you want to hear. But listen here kiddo. I know you're going through alot. And it's all too overwhelming for you. But i know you're not weak. Dad did not raise us weak... Especially not you." Jon said. His eyes now watered.

"I'm sorry y/n... I promise you. In the end we'll all be happy. Like the old days. We'll even do our cabin summer plan... Remember? Dad wanted us-" "Just shut up and leave Jon!! Why all of a sudden do you care about dad?? You couldn't even give him a goodbye when they took him!! So don't pull that shit!! Just leave! You're wasting your time... Just like before. Please..." Y/n said. Jon was silent. His tears fell.

"Let's go Jon... Give her the space she needs." Brock spoke as they pulled him away. "No..." He whispered. "NO!" He shoved them away. "Jo-" Evan was interrupted by Jon. He slam against the door. "Damn it Y/n!! I'm not leaving. Not anymore!" He yelled. "Just leave already..." Y/n whispered. She gets up and walks to the kitchen. Jon waited. "Jon let's go. We can't do anything... Besides the neighbors are all looking now. "Fuck them..." He said. "Jon! Let's go!" Tyler grabbed him. "I think they're calling the cops..." Nogla stated. "No shit retard! With these two fuckin yelling around they're definitely gonna call the cops! Let's go Jon we'll see her tomorrow." Brian says.

"How do you know that?" Evan asks. "Prom? Duh! I'm pretty sure she'll go now that the wicked witch is buddy buddy with her..." Brian then turned and went to the truck. "And besides if she doesn't we can always just check on her. Least we can do right now. Plus some need space like Brock says." Brian stated and jumped into the truck. Brock and nogla following. "Let's Jon." Tyler says. Walking off to the truck.

"We'll check on her tomorrow... Let's go." Evan says. Forcing a smile. Jon sighed but followed. As they left to their homes. Y/n watched them leave. She then sighed. Walking to her room. She plopped on her bed. Staring up to the ceiling. "Just one more day..." She spoke. "Hmm I should go out with a bang... Look something better." She sat up and stared off into the mirror. "Ah... I know..."

The next day~

Your Pov

Ah yes... It's come to an end. The pain I've felt no longer bothering. As I will not have to worry. Especially after all goes well. Well for me at least. Tonight It'll be beautiful. I'll make it beautiful....

Chapter done! Woohoo!! 🙌

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