Chapter 23

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No ones Pov

Ah... Doesn't it make you feel just excited to see posters and people askin each other to prom? Some goin big and bold. Others sweet and cute. Of course... There were those who just planed to go with friends. Not really wanting a date. Or the desperate ones who would go up to anyone. Yes there were some rejections... Leading the girl who asked to cry in a bathroom stall. Or the guy to talk shit about the girl who said no. Which was the best part. The decorations and stuff being set up for prom.

Yes my dear friend, prom was around the corner and boy was it hecktic. Girls were panicking. Boys were bragging about who they're taking. Now let's see this from our dear y/n's point of view.

Your Pov

Everone is talking about prom. Their dresses and suits. Boy was it exciting to think of. Having it around the corner. Not to mention the weather was slowly rising and all was going according to my plan. I was sitting on the school roof. Enjoying my view. Enjoying every single thing... Before I lose it. "Hey bitch!" Jane said. I look at her. "Oh hey princess..." I say looking away. It was only her. "Why are you up here? Doing some freak stuff?" She asks.

"No... Just watching the day go by. What about you? Shouldn't you be in your last class?" She walks up to me as I ask her this question. "Meh... It's boring in there. I only go because there's cute boys." She spoke honestly. I sigh "Does that mean you came up here to beat me?" I ask. She looks at me. Then shakes her head. "No. I just want some space... All this school and prom shit is stressful..." She says. Sitting next to me.

"I agree with you on that." I say looking back up. We sat in silence after that. But I could feel her tension. She was nervous, like she had something to say but was afraid. Which is odd of her. "Hey y/n... Do you hate me? I mean of course you do... I ruined your life..." She spoke. "What do you mean? You're just bulling me... Not like you caused my friends to leave me or my dad to leave as well." I say.

"...I did... I made them bully you... I made them leave you. So you were vulnerable... Because I hated how nice you were. How attractive you are. How caring you could be to anyone.... Even if you didn't know them. I... I was jealous of you. I still am. You're a perfect girl. Every single person would talk about you... Sometimes they still do. And it's not even anything negative!!!" She yells. I look at her. Suprised.

"They still like you. They admired your strength. How you keep coming to school after all the shit you've been through. What I put you through... All I put you through and yet you're still here... Still putting up with me... And I'm sorry..." She was crying as she kept going. I just sat there listening to her rant... About how she ruined my life... How she ruined my friendship. My family. Me... She ruined me... All because she was jealous.

"I'm so sorry y/n!!! I'm sorry you're falling apart because of me!! How could you just let me do this to you?! And not break from it?!" She cried. 'Oh sweetheart.... I AM broken...' I think. "Please just tell me the truth... Do you hate me with a passion?..." She asks. 'My dear, you are so dumb to show your enemies your weakness....' I say in my head as I pretend to think. "Y/n..." "No... I don't hate you with a passion princess." I say. As I stare blankly at her.

She looks at me confused. "B-but why?" She sniffed. 'Oh you poor unfortunate girl... You're toying with the wrong person...' I think. "Well... It wasn't all you're falt... They could of stopped you. They could of said something.... Yet they didn't. They let you do what you wanted. But my dear... It wasn't you who hurt me. No... It was those I trusted who let me fall." I say with venom. She looks down.

Sighing I put my hand on her shoulder. "Jane... You were jealous. Jealousy can cause us to do some wicked things. Clouding up every other thoughts but negativity. Trust me... I don't hate you. I forgive you." I say and smile. She does too. "Hey... Are you gonna go to prom?" She asks. "No... I thought you didn't want me too?" I lied. Her eyes widened. "Nonono! That was old me... I... I want you- I mean you're welcome to come! Besides It's not my choice... I've changed..." "Really?... Is that why you've been so nice to me lately?" I ask.

She nodded her head. "Yes... I'm sorry if you're confused or don't believe me..." She spoke. "No no... I believe you..." I say. "But... About your girls. Are they also with you on this idea of being nice too?" I ask. She hums a yes. "Cool..." I say. Then the bell rings. We get up and head for the door. "After you missy..." I say opening the door with a smile. "Thank you.... One more thing?... Would you... Um... Like to be my friend?" My grin widens. 'Ah... Just like every Disney princess... So naive...' "Why of course princess..." I say. She smiles and we walk down the stairs. Me a little behind.

"I'll show you how a true friend is...."

Ayo peeps another one done woohoo!! 🙌  and goodbye!

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