Seventh Chapter

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(That's you and Taylor above)
Your POV
I pull up in the drive way. I feel off. I just get off the truck. Heading in the house. Then as I walked in. I hear dad and Jon arguing. "You're suppose to protect her!" "I am! You just don't understand!" They yell. I sigh. Walking to my room. They still shouted because they didn't see me. Since they were in the kitchen. "Im not supposed to be the only one you know! You're our dad for fuck sake!" Jon yells. "You don't think I'M trying?! I'm doing my best to keep a roof over us and Food! And I'm trying my best to make enough for us to go and do something in the summer!!" "It's never gonna happen!! Those old days are gone dad! None of us are what we used to be! Everyone changes! Besides... You'll never get away with your so called Nightshift!" they kept arguing. I was sitting on my bed. Getting tired of all the yelling. So I got up. Got my jacket and phone. Then I grab my house keys. I walk down stairs. Walking to the door. Slamming it as I walk out. Walking away. As I was walking I hear Jon. But I don't stop. I keep walking. "I just need space." I say to myself. Of course I knew Jon wasn't gonna run after me. Besides. He doesn't care about me. Not anymore. Dad isn't gonna come either. He'll think it's best I go out. I go towards the forest. As I was walking. I felt the cool breeze. I smile. It's nice out. Clear sky. A very calm and cool afternoon. "Y/n?" I hear a familiar voice ask. I turn around. Seeing Taylor. With a big duffle bag. "Oh hey Taylor... What's with the bag?" I ask. "Oh. I got kicked out." She says. I look at her in shock. "What?! I knew you shouldn't of stuck up for me!! This is all my fault!! Where are you even suppose to go?!" I ask. Panicking. She chuckles. So I look at her like she's crazy. Because of how calm she could be about this. "Chill y/n... I have a place to stay. I've been through this before." she says. Laughing. I sigh in relief. "Wow. Didn't know you cared about me that much..." She says smirking. I roll my eyes. She laughs. "Follow me." she says. "Where?" I ask. "Into the forest." she says. As she walks towards it. "Why?..." I ask getting suspicious. "Because..." she answers. I just stand still. Now crossing my arms. "I'm not going until you tell me..." I say. She stops and looks back at me. "Ok! See ya later then..." she says. Now walking. "Wait! Ok! I'll go!!" I say. Running to catch up. My curiosity getting the best of me. She chuckles. "Alrighty then! Let's go!" she says happily. Walking into a path way. Me following behind. We walked almost for awhile. Then Taylor went off trail. "Taylor do you know where you're going?" I ask. "Yeah... Don't worry." she says. I sigh. Then she stops. Making me run into her. I look at her. She turns around and smiles. "We're here." she says. I look passed her.

It was cabin by a creek

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It was cabin by a creek. I was amazed. "Wow." I say. Making her giggle. "Is this your family's?" I ask. "No. It's just mine..." She says. She sounded upset. I turn to her. "It used to be my mother's... She gave it to me. Saying it is my place now. I can choose who I want to know about it." She says. Smiling. "My mother told me to never tell my dad. So I didn't and I still haven't... Nor his slutty new wife." She says. I look back at the cabin then at her. "Do you mind if I ask what happened to your mom?" I ask. She just started walking. "She died... 2 years ago... It was my 16th birthday." She says. I was now behind her. Listening. "She got in a fight with my dad the night before... The next day taking me out and saying she wanted a girls day for me. Getting me new things. As we were walking home. A group of drunk men came up to us. She knew we both couldn't make it out... She told me to run. Run home and not to look back. I didn't want to but she told me I still had life to live. So I listened to her. I ran. While she... Waited... Keeping those... Guys distracted. I ran home." She says. We were now sitting. "As soon as I got home... I saw my dad. Drunk... I tried to tell him but he hit me. Then he told me to go to my room. Not wanting to deal with me.... After that. The next day... Officers came to our house. Telling us everything.... My mom was found dead. In an alleyway... Before death... Reapped..." She says. "Ever since then... I never saw life the same." She was now looking down. She covered her face. I scoot closer to her. Then I hug her. "I'm so sorry I asked..." I say. She chuckled. "You're too precious... You know that?" She says. "You're so kind... So caring... That's why I wanted to be your friend." She says. Smiling at me. "Heh.. I kinda thought I was a crappie friend." I say. "What?! Why?!" She asks. "Because of them... We used to be so close but... Now were not... I feel like I did something to make them hate me. But I just don't know what I did!" I say. I started to cry. "I didn't even know my mom! My brother was right... My mom made the great choice to leave her useless daughter." I cried. "Hey... Don't say that..." Taylor spoke softly. She wiped my tears. "You're not at all useless... You're something special." She says. She pulled me closer. Hugging me. She held me like I was her little sister. "Y/n don't ever say you're useless... I promise you... I'll be there. I'll do all I can to make you smile. To make you laugh. I don't want the same happening to you... Like someone I knew. " she spoke. I sniffed."Who?" I ask. Still in her arms. She pulled away. Wiping more tears away. "Let's go inside... I tell you." She says. I nod. We go in.

Living room/Kitchen(you'll see upstairs later)"Wow

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Living room/Kitchen(you'll see upstairs later)
"Wow... It's even better inside!" I say. Taylor laughs. "So... Do you want to explain to me... You don't have to if you don't want to!" I warned. "I'll tell you what.... If you spend the night here... I'll tell you. Because it's gonna be late soon. And I don't want you walking home at night." She says. I think about it. "I can ask my dad..." I say. She smiles. "Great! Let's go ask then!" She says. She dropped her stuff on the couch. And we head out. To ask my dad. 'Hopefully he lets me...' I think.

Heyo peeps! Another one down! Hopefully you like it. And I'll see ya in the next one! Buh bye!!!

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