Tenth Chapter

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Your POV
"Wake up guys... It's time to get ready." Taylor said. The boys groan. "10 more minutes..." Luke says. "No. We have to get ready! I already let you sleep in a little more..." Taylor spoke. "What time is it?" I ask. She looks at her phone. "8:47" she says. We all jump up. Except for her. She was already ready for school. I go to the bathroom and change. After I got dress. I brushed my hair. Looking in the mirror. "Meh... I'm good." I say after. Going out to see everyone else ready as well. "I made toast for everyone!" Taylor spoke. We all grab two. Heading out. "Ok. See ya boys there!" Taylor says. I wave at them. "See ya there!!" Bryce says. Already his joyful happy self. The other two yawn and wave. I turn on my truck. Then we drive to school. Jamming out some songs. To get pumped. Even though it's school. A living hell of boredom. "Why are we so pumped? It's flippin school we're going to!" I say. Taylor burst out laughing. I laugh too. "Maybe because its Friday? Hello! Classes go by fast. Earlier release." Taylor says. I giggle. "True..." I say. We pull up. Parking. "Vote me for prom queen!" Jane says. Handing out flyers. "Ugh! I forgot prom is coming up! I hate it!" I hear Taylor groan. I look at her. "Yeah... I was hoping to go with my "friends"...." I say. She sighs "If you wanna go... Us guys could go together..." She says. I smile "I honestly like going because of watching relationships falling apart!" I chuckled. She laughs. Jane stopped as she saw us. She stared. Not looking pissed or hateful. She looked... Sorry. Regret on her face. I was confused. Then I felt a tap. I turn around. "You ok? You didn't awnser Luke..." Taylor says. Looking concern. "Uh yeah... Sorry.  What was the question?" I ask. Luke chuckled "Are we hanging out after school?" He asks once more. "We could go to my house... My mom and dad don't mind. Besides they wanted to meet my "new friend"." Ohm says. Laughing. I smile. "Sure! I'll text my dad at lunch." I say. They all nod. "It's gonna be fun! Ohms parents are awesome! They treat us like we're their kids! Hey we should do a sleep over there!" Taylor says excited. I laugh at her. "Actually... All of our parents really like Taylor. Since she's very... Unique." Bryce says. Giggling. "Nuh-uh!" Taylor says childishly. The bell rings. I sigh. "I don't wanna go to first period..." I say. They all give me a little smile. "Hey... It's only one period. We'll wait for you after class." Taylor says. I smile and nod my head. Going to first period.

~Time skipped to After school~

"Hey y/n!" Said Ohm walking over to me. I smile and wave at him. Getting my stuff out of my locker. "Where's Toonz and Taylor?" He asked. "They went to tell her dad that she was spending the night with us." I answered. "Oh ok... Have you seen Bryce?" He asked. I shook my head. Then we noticed everyone crowding around something. Or should I say Someone. We go look. "You're a pathetic person you know that." I hear Tyler. Then I see who he was talking to. Actually pinning to the lockers. Everything boiled inside me. "Look I never wanted trouble...." Bryce says. Trying to back him off. "I don't like annoying brats like you... All you do is just annoy everyone because 'you're so rich'." Tyler says. Bryce looks down. "What's wrong gonna tell your rich parents on me? Oh no... Please don't!" Tyler says sarcastically. Then out of nowhere. I see Ohm push though everyone. "Hey! Leave him alone asshole!" He shouts. Tyler turns around. He started chuckling. "Oh look! Your annoying boyfriend came to save you. So scared!" He laughed. Bryce was silent. Looking down. "Hey faggot! Better run away with your boyfriend!" Tyler yells. Poking Bryce. Bryce glares at him. "I'm not a faggot." He says pushing him out of the way. "Oh... Now you act tuff? Ok. Let's see how tuff you are!" Tyler shouts. He raised his fist. I run in front of Bryce. Getting punched in the face. Almost falling. Catching myself. I look up. Everything seemed blurry.

Third POV

Everyone stood shocked. Bryce and Ohm rushed to Y/n's side. Tyler stared. Shock, regret, and guilt burned deep in him. Bryce, Ohm and Y/n look up at him. Glaring but then their expressions change. Tyler suddenly feels someone tap his shoulder. He turns. Seeing an angry Taylor. Then... BANG! He gets punch in the face. He falls. Then looks up. Holding his nose. She was now crouching, look at him. "Hurt my friends one more time... And it won't be just punch. Nor would it be so pretty...." Taylor threatened. Her eyes looking so cold and serious. Tyler looks down. Embarrassed that a girl took him down so quickly. "Oooh he got beat by a girl!" Someone from the crowd shouted. Everyone else laughing. Forgetting everything before. Taylor walks to the three. Who stood there shocked. Mostly the boys. She looked at Y/n. "You ok?" She asks. Looking at the side of her face. Y/n nods her head. Smiling. "You still coming to the "slumber party"?" Taylor asks. Y/n chuckles. "Of course I am... Just because I get hit by some stranger, don't mean I'm not gonna go. I can handle the pain... I've handled it before..." She says Looking down. Taylor sighed. Pulling Y/n into a hug. Catching y/n off guard. "I swear... I won't ever let that happen again... As long as I live." Taylor says. Making Y/n tear up and smile. She then hugs back. "Thank you... For everything you've done." Y/n says. 

Hey peeps! Been awhile... I'm sorry... But schools a bitch so... Yeah. Hope ya like this chapter and I'll see ya in the next one! Buh bye!!!

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