Chapter 15

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Your POV

"Oh no wonder you ask if we had ice skates..." Bryce says. I nod my head. "Good thing you did..." I say. "Well except for me... By the way thanks for buying me some y/n..." Taylor says. I smile. "Your welcome. Now. Let's skate!" I say. Switching my shoes. Being the first on the frozen lake.

"Hey be careful y/n!" Luke called. I smile. "I'm fine Luke! I know the right time for the lake to be frozen just right..." I say skating out on the lake. "Oooh wait up y/n!!!" Bryce yells. I look back. Slowing myself. Bryce skates to me. Ryan right behind.

"How did you even know about this place?" Ryan asks.
Coming closer. They stop in front of me. I think about it. "Well... When I was younger, I was a very curious child. I loved nature. It was so mysterious to me. So one day me, Jon, and Evan were walking around. We seen this forest. Being me.. I wanted to explore. And we did. Finding this." I say.

Showing off the place. Bryce and Ryan smile. I sighed. "I miss the way we were.." I say being honest. Bryce looked at me with a light smile. "Hey. It's going to be okay y/n." He spoke sweetly. I smile. "Yeah. Plus you got us morons..." Ryan spoke. I chuckled lightly. "True..." I agreed.

Then we heard Taylor scream. A thud right after. "Ow..." Was all we heard. Then Luke was laughing. We look at them. "Are you ok?" Luke asked. Still laughing. "Shut up..." Taylor spoke. Luke smiled and held out his hand for her. She took it and got up.

Struggling to stay balance. She held onto Luke. Luke struggling to hold back a laugh. "Do you not know how to skate?..." He chuckled. She glared at him.

"Isn't it obvious??... Skating was never once a thought in my mind..." Taylor spoke annoyed. Also blushing. "Oh my goodness! That's the first time I've actually seen Taylor blush..." Bryce spoke. "Do you think she likes Luke ba-" Bryce covered Ryan's mouth.

I look at them questioningly. "Nothing!" Bryce spoke nervously. Chuckling. I look at him with a look saying 'Do you think I'm stupid?...' "Really..." I say. Bryce tried to pretend nothing happened.

I sigh looking at Ohm. "How long has he liked Taylor?" I ask. Smiling. "I don't know. We just found out that one day you met my mom..." Ryan answers. I nod understanding. "We should get them together..." I say.

Both agreeing. We look back at the two. Luke helping Taylor skate. Both faces a little bit red. I smile. Seeing how happy and cute they were together.

I then think of something. A even bigger smile creeping up. I skate over to the two. Luke sees me coming. He smiles and waves. I slowly stop myself in front of them. "So... You think you can flirt with mah gurl huh?" I say.

Luke blushes more at the word 'flirt'. Then I look at Taylor. She looks like she's going to murder me. I smirk. 'oh this is going to be fun.' I think. "Flirting? Who's flirting?" Luke tried to hide the fact that he was blushing hard.

"Oh please. I see how your trying to win her over." I smile and lean closer to Luke. "And that look you give her as you help her skate... That my friend. Is a look of love..." I say. "Y/n... Can I talk with you. Alone...." Taylor spoke.

'Man if looks could kill... I wouldn't be alive right now...' I thought. But kept an innocent smile. "No..." I say.  She glared "and why not?" I lash my eyelashes. Pretending to be even more innocent. "Well... I don't wanna ruin your little date." I say.

"DATE?!?!" they both say in sync. "Plus I don't wanna die- ok! Good bye!!!" I say skating off quickly. As Taylor tried to grab me. I start laughing at myself. I look at Ohm and Bryce. Laughing away. As they skate.

But as I skate by them. I see Evan and Jon. A little flash back of when we came back here. Spending the weekend. Enjoying each other.

I was too caught up by the memory that I barely heard the others yelling. Then I was back in reality as I crashed into the ground. I Yelp as I fly. "Y/n!!!!" I hear. I was too shocked to move. Laying still.

I then feel something on my cheek. Getting up. I feel liquid fall down my face. I feel my cheek. Then I look at my hands as blood was now on them. My hands looked scratch up and my legs felt weird.

I sit there staring at my hands. Questioning what happened and why nothing hurt. "Y/n! Are you ok?" I heard. But it sounded like... "Evan?..." I say quietly. "Y/n. Hey.... Are you ok?!" I look up. But didn't see Evan. It was Ryan. The other three surrounded me. "Huh?..." I question. "Y/n..." Bryce says.

"I think she hit her head... Maybe we should call the ambulance..." Taylor spoke. I hear. "No..." I say. "What?" Bryce asks. "Don't call... The ambulance. I'm okay..." I say. Trying to get up. Shaking as I stand. Losing my strength I fall back down. But Ryan caught me.

"Y/n, you need to go to the hospi-" "No... I'm fine." I say. Interrupting Taylor. Ryan helping me up. Holding me so I stay standing. "We'll just take y-" "Guys she doesn't want to go to the hospital... Just leave it alone." Ryan spoke.

"Just leave it alone?! Ryan she fell hard! Her face is cut, her hands are scratched up, she's having a hard time standing!!! She probably even hit her head! She needs t-" Taylor was interrupted by Ryan.

"She's okay!!! She's in shock, that's it!!! She doesn't want to go to the hospital. Just leave it!! You don't need to push her about it. Just take us back to my place so I can help her cuts. You can leave us there if you want to be like that..." Ryan yelled.

They were silent. "Ryan..." "Come on y/n..." He guides me around the lake. I kept tripping in the process. Making Ohm pick me up. Once we switch to our regular shoes. Asking Bryce who stuck right by us, to carry our skates. Taylor and Luke were behind.

I felt bad. I felt as if I caused this. Which I did. I didn't speak. The way back to Ohm's place was quiet. I didn't like it at all. Ryan still held me.

We got to Ohm's place. Only Bryce stayed with us. The other two left. But Luke spoke to Ryan before leaving. "Taylor is only trying to care for her Ryan... your little act back there was a little shitty... Don't forget who stuck up for you... She risk her health for your stupid ass." Ryan didn't look at him nor Taylor.

"I'm sorry Taylor. I shouldn't of been a dick... I had no reason to speak to you that way..." Ryan apologize. He looks right at her. "It's ok.." She didn't look at him. I couldn't see his expression.

Since Bryce held me. But I knew it wasn't a good look because Luke glared at him. Ryan looks at him. Then turned to us. Walking by us too open the door.

I watched as the two drove away. Feeling horrible. 'You fucked up y/n...' I think to myself.

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