Chapter 19

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Your POV
"Y/n? What are you doing?? It's cold as hell out here." Taylor spoke. I open my eyes. Looking up at her. "Oh. I couldn't go back to sleep." I answered. She gave me a funny look. "So you decided to come outside and freeze so you can sleep forever? Smart. I wanna join." She said. Joking around. I rolled my eyes.

"Hey man I'm kidding. Come inside. You look like a jolly elf at the north poll. Besides it's freezing balls out here." She says shivering. I giggled at her choice of words. Getting up and heading in.

We sit on the couch. "So couldn't sleep huh? You looked sad out there. Did you dream something?" She asked. I sigh. "Well... Yeah I did. It was a memory. Of me as a kid and moment with my brother and Evan.

Taylor nods her head. Signaling to keep going. I look at her for a moment. She looked so focused. All her attention to me. "Taylor... Why did you guy even accept me as your friend?" I ask.

It caught her off guard. She looks at me in shock. "Why are you asking? This isn't be your relationship with those guys right? Because if so you're not even the problem-" "Why do you keep telling me I'm not the reason they're like this?..."  I ask

She just stared at me confused. "Taylor I'm obviously the problem! Why else would they pick on just me?? Why else would they hurt just me? Why else would they..." I was lost. So lost.

Reality strucked me. "Why just.... Me?" I ask. They had no problem leaving me behind. But why was Taylor so nice? She never knew me... Nor did the three boys sleeping soundly upstairs.

I never was the type to go up to a complete stranger and say 'wanna be friends?' I was very shy. "Y/n... You're never a problem." She spoke. Hesitantly. Her words stabbed at me. I didn't even know why. But those sweet words stabbed deep into me.

"Then how come I'm being hated by those that I loved and cared for so may years?!?! If it's not me than what exactly is it that makes them hate me so??" I scream. She sat silently. "Huh Taylor?? You seem to know a lot about me... So tell me why the hell... I'm not loved any more?" I yelled/cried.

Taylor was silent. Then we heard foot steps. We look. There stood the three boys. One not looking so happy. In fact, pissed off. "I think you should leave... You need a break from us." He spoke with venom. I sat there for a moment. The others we shocked. "... I think so too."

BBS Crew x Reader (Broken Friendship)Where stories live. Discover now