Eighth Chapter

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(Warning: depressing)
Your POV
We walked to my house. As we were walking. I kinda got nervous. I didn't want to deal with Jon or my dad arguing. Let alone, have Taylor there to watch it happen. As we get to my house I take a deep breath. "You ok?" Taylor asks. "Yeah... I just don't wanna deal with my brother... Or dad... They both were arguing. That's why I was walking. To get away. Just for a bit." I say. She nods. Understanding my situation. I sigh. Then I unlocked the door. Opening up the door. We walk in. "Y/n You're back... I'm sorry about- Oh! Who's this?" My dad asks. Looking at Taylor. "Dad this is my new friend Taylor... Taylor this my dad." I say. "Hello sir!" Taylor says. Smiling her goofy smile. I laugh. "Hi..." My dad says. "Dad. I was wondering if I could spend the night at Taylor's..." I say. He smiles. "Yes. You can..." He says. I smile. "Ok! Come on Taylor. We'll go get my stuff." I say. Grabbing her hand. Dragging her up to my room. "Nice room." She says. "Thanks." I say. Getting my clothes and school stuff ready. I put them in a bag. Taking my school bag too. "Ok I'm ready!" I say. Taylor was on her phone. She looked at me. "Cool! Let's go then!" She says. I smile. We head out of my room. Only to run into Evan, Tyler, and Brian. They stare at me. I then feel a hand grab my arm. "Come on we're wasting time!" Taylor says. Pulling me away. "Thanks..." I say. She just sighed. "Hey y/n. Before you go... Take your truck. So you both get to school on time." My dad says. I nod my head. "Oh and Taylor..." We both freeze again. She looks at him. "Take care of my daughter please.... And nice meeting you." He says. She smiles. "Nice to meet you too sir! And I promise to watch y/n..." She says. We then leave. Getting into my truck. I see Taylor look uneasy. "You ok Taylor?" I ask. She snapped out of her trance. "Yeah... Im ok." She says. Smiling. We pull out. I didn't forget how she looked. She guided me to way to go to her cabin. We pulled up. I shut off my truck. Locking it. We go in. It still light out but it looked like the sun was gonna set soon. We walk in. Taylor sits down on her couch. I set my stuff down. Sitting next to her. "I'm sorry if I worried you... It's just what your dad said..." She says. She then chuckles. "It's a fucked up world y/n... People take from you.... The things that are precious... You lose so much things..." She says. I look at her worried. "Taylor..." "They won't stop until they're satisfied or afraid of you..." She says. "Both happened to me. I was afraid then feared..." She was staring at her hands. "Do you really wanna know about this... 'Other Person'?" She asks. "I do..." I say honestly. "You will probably hate me after but ok..." She warned. "After my 16th birthday... I met a new friend... She went through the same thing as me. She lost her mom. We became close friends. Along with my old friends. Luke, Bryce, and Ohm... Those guys were there for me no matter what. But back to my 'new' friend... Jane said things to her... Causing her to hate me. She was hurt. I wanted to help her... She wouldn't let me. She told me to stay away. So did the boys... But I didn't listen. I had to have her beside me. She was my best friend! It only caused more trouble. Jane started attacking her. Making her even more weak. I couldn't take it. I passed the line. Trying to make her believe me. But she got mad and frustrated. She then wanted to fight me... I told her no. But that didn't stop her. She did it.... But I snapped.... Ending up to me hurting her. So bad that her dad moved them away. Not saying goodbye to me. Of course I should've known she wouldn't. Why would she? I made her afraid of me.... It was especially hard on me since the fact that I made the same promise to her dad. Like I did with your dad. But I failed. Everyone talked about it. Now since my dad was principal... It caused so much shame. Especially since I 'tried blaming it on and innocent bystander!' My dad was embarrassed by my actions. His new whore of a wife beating me. Because of how embarrassing I was to my dad. I tried to tell my dad but he didn't believe me. Telling me to stop lying. And that I couldn't always be a bratty girl. That I couldn't always get my way. One day. My step mom said i was a mistake... Just like my mother. I snapped at that attacking her. My dad coming home. He pulled me off. Yelling at me. I tried defending me and my mom. But he said that my mom was dead. And that I needed to move on. Of course during all this I had the boys. My step mom calling me a slut for being friends with them. You know all that shitty step mother stuff... But they're the whole reason I'm still alive... Or else I'd be dead. A bulit to my head... Or hanging... Or a giant cut in my throat-" "STOP!!" I cried. I grabbed her. Hugging her. Tears falling down my face. "Please... Just s-stop...." I cried in her shoulder. "D-dont ever talk like that! You're special! You can't think like that! You're strong!!" By then all you could hear was my sniffing. She was silent. She rubbed my back. Still quiet. "I'm sorry..." She mumbles. "I wanted you to enjoy this sleep over... Instead I just made you cry..." She says softly. "It's ok..." I say. Leaning on her. "This is gay..." (Please don't be offended... ;-;) She says. I look at her and punch her arm. "Shut up!" "Ow! I was just joking!!" She says. Defensively. Now rubbing her arm. I laugh. Still leaning on her. Then the door opens up. "Guess who just ar- woah WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" ohm asks. Looking at me and Taylor. "Well... Y/n punch me because I said it was gay how we were positioned.... Since I-" "shut up!!!" I say. Pushing her away. "Geez... Sorry guys my wife is being an ass right now" Taylor joked. I grabbed a pillow and she looked at me. I was about to throw. "Im sorry!! I was kidding!! Please!!! Have mercy!!!" She shouts. I stood up. "You should've thought about that before calling you're wife an ass!!" I joked but made it look like I was serious. "Umm... Hehe... Darling we can talk about this..." She says going along. "Never!!!" I shout tackling her. "Ahh!!" She screams. I hit her with the pillow. "Ow!" She says. Then I laugh. "You to are so gay..." Luke joked. Me and Taylor look at him. "Oh yeah?" We both ask in sync. His smile disappears. "Oh shit..." "Get him!!" Taylor yells. We get up and chase after him. After catching him. Making him apologize. Ohm and Bryce laughed at it all. We all then sat and chatted. I loved every moment. Plus we joked around too. It felt nice to be like this once more.

Heyo peeps! Hope ya like this! I'll see ya in the next one! Buh bye!!!

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