Third chapter

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That's you above. Also my art.
(Warning: depression and self harm. Also abuse hurtful words..)
Your POV
I sit in my room. I haven't been feeling good. My dad was worried about me. So he had Jonathan come back home. Thinking it would help. It didn't. I'm just getting...depressed. He always says stuff to me about being the worst sister ever and I just shouldn't be here. Yeah. My own brother said that. I'm starting to go insane by it. Because he was never like this. Never. But now he is. I actually started to cut my arms. I don't really know how or why. My grades lowered in school. I used to be a good student. Now I just quit. My dads really trying to help me. But he can't. I just sit at my desk. My sweater on so I don't see the cuts. My dad doesn't even know about anything. I then heard a knock at my door. "Y/ the door..." I heard my dad said. I get up and open my door. Making sure my sleeves were down. "Yes dad?" I asked. Forcing myself to speak. "I came to check on you...Are you ok?" He says. I just forced a smile and then nodded my head. He just stared at me. Not sure if I meant it. He sighed and said "I gotta go I'm going to be busy with night shift..." I just nodded in response. He then smiled and left. I sigh and then I was about to close my door. Until a hand stopped it. I froze. The only person left was my brother. So I knew it was his hand holding the door from closing. He pulled it open. I just stared afraid of him insulting me again and making me break. But nothing happened. I look at him. Confused as to why he was not saying anything. "Look...You're gonna have to admit it to dad soon...He's not going to be here forever...because of his so called "night shift"." Jonathan said. "What are you talking about?" I asked still confused. "Alright! Cut the shit already y/n!!! Quit being so fuckn dumb!!!" He yelled making me flinch. "Quit acting like nobody knows!!! About you and your dumb cuts!!! About you failing school!!! About you being "depressed"!!!" He yelled. I started to tear up. "You and dad are the worst family I could ever have!!! Lying to each other's face!!! And not even knowing!!! God you're both so fuckn dumb!!! Especially you!!!" He screams. By then I was crying. On the floor. Holding my knees. I was hurt again. Broken. "I actually think your mother made a great decision leaving you! Because you're so pathetic! My mother! Only left me because she died!!! This is exactly why I wanna move into my best friends house!!!" He was now above me. He then picked me up. "Stop fuckn crying!!!" He yelled. "Just leave me alone!!!!" I yelled back. He then slapped me in the face. I was in shock. "Don't ever yell at me!!! Ever!" He screeched. Then he threw me down and I fell. He started kicking me. I cried. Then he started punching me. Until I passed out.

Jonathan's POV
I saw her passed out. I got on my knees and cried. Holding her close. "I'm sorry...IM SO SORRY!!!" I cried out. My baby sister. I put her through a lot. We all did. But it was to protect her. I had to do this. I can't not do it. I shouldn't of been so stupid. Putting her in the situation. I had to leave her there. I pulled out my phone. Texting Evan.
E=Evan J=Jonathan
J-I did it. E-ok... J-What now? What next? E-More pain I'm afraid...
His text made me cry more. I didn't want her to hurt anymore. I didn't wanna see her crying. She's just a innocent person. All the guys were hurting too. They didn't want to see her in pain too. They would always go home and cry for my sister. Before this whole situation happened. They told that they were lucky to have my sister. A joyful, caring, loving, innocent person. I sighed. The whole reason why we do this to because of some group of girls. They threatened to take Y/n away from us. And torture her. Probably worse. So we followed their demands. Hurting y/n just to protect her. I leave her not wanting to see her. Passed out and broken. I turned around still. "I love you y/n...the guys love you too...we're really sorry..."

Hey guy... I'm sorry if it's too much... I hope ya still like it. Anyways I'll see ya in the next chapter!! Buh-bye!!!

BBS Crew x Reader (Broken Friendship)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora