Chapter 28

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Warning: This chapter may be upsetting. Some uncomfortable and Depressing parts.

Your POV

I look up at Jane. "Where are you're friends?" I ask as I sniff. She gets down on her knees. "They're being assholes as they didn't want to come check on you. I saw you walking away from your... old group of friends.. Did they hurt you?" She asks hesitantly. Putting a hand gently on my shoulder. I shakily sigh. "No... I just couldn't look at them after everything..." I say honestly. She nods as she rubs my arm.

"Maybe you just need some space from everybody..." She spoke quietly. 'Perfect...' I think. I smile lightly. "Can you come with me then? I need to go to my locker... Maybe then I'll be fine." I ask. Jane then smiles and nods her head. "Yeah sure! Anything that makes you happy!!" She said. 'Believe me... I'll be very happy soon...' I think as I thank her and we stand up. Brushing ourselves off and fixing up a bit before leaving. I lead her past the dark glowing area and into the lit up hall way. Towards my locker.... Away from everyone... Where no one can hear....

No ones POV

Taylor notices the two walking away from the decorated area. She stares as they leave. "Somethings not right..." She says as the others conversate. "What are you talking...." Luke trails off as he looks at where his girlfriend is looking. Seeing the two girls about to disappear. "Luke I feel odd about that..." "But Jane befriend Y/n... What's so wrong about it?" Luke asks. Taylor shakes her head. Now noticing Bryce and Ryan staring at that direction as well.

Both with uneasy looks. "Are you guys worried too?" Taylor asks. The two nod. "What if she get in trouble... Jane is probably up to no good. Remember with-" "Yeah... Let's go check. I don't trust this shit. Look some of Janes girls are following..." Luke cut off Ryan as he started to walk that direction the pair went. Quietly so they don't get caught if anything.

Hoping it's not what they think. Already away from the loud music. Hearing nothing but their quiet steps. Heading for another corner. "It's silent... Why?" Bryce asks. Everyone's stomach uneasy.

"AAAAAAAAAHHhhhh!" a loud chilling scream echoes the halls. Causing them to freeze. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" "OH MY GOD JANE!!!" "sTOP Y/N pLEaSE AGH!" They hear. Causing them all to start running. Taylor Kicking off her heels as she picks them up and races to the yells. Turning the corner and freeze. "Y-Y/N sTOP!! aHG KGH PLEASE HELP M-!!" A chilling sound of cracking and other unpleasant sounds come from the bloody girl. As the other towers over her with a bloodied bat. Her white dress no longer white but stained her favorite crimson color.

"PLEASE S-STOP YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HER!!" Janes friend cries. The three holding each other. Watching in horror as their friend is being bashed with a bat. Her back definitely bruised or broke, right arm broken, bloody broken nose, broken jaw, and some ribs bruised or cracked. Possibly opened skull. Her body not able to move but feel every sharp pain. Y/n stops. Her breathing harsh. A wicked yet insane smile on her face. "How does it feel to be broken down by some one you trust?! huh?! Your life depending on their next move?... Is it a good feeling?" She asks. The beaten girl crying in pain. Others watching as this once quiet girl shows her darkest side. Created by Rage, Sorrow, Fear, and Betrayal.

"I asked you a question... ANSWER IT BITCH!!" She screams as another hit lands on the crippled girl. She screams in pain. Another bone breaking in her body. "SHE'S IN PAIN YOU PHSYCO!!" One of the three screams. "SHUT THE FUCK UP! yOU WORTHLESS SLUT!!" Y/n screams as she swings her bat at the poor girl who spoke up. Hitting her in the head as the force slams the girl into a locker. "Aghh-!" She slides against the locker. Blood staining the locker as she drops. Her body limp. "OH MY GOD!!" The now two girls hold each other closer. Collapsing and crying as they look at the girl with pleading eyes.

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