Chapter 12

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We pull up at Ohm's house. Getting off. Taking our stuff inside. "Mom!Dad! I'm home. I brought my friends to stay the night!" Ryan yells. I look at some pictures on the wall. There was one with Ryan, Bryce, Luke, and Taylor. Plus another person who's part was ripped off but you could tell there was some one there. Their arm rested on Taylor's shoulder. Which was left of whoever it was. I look closely. Seeing signatures. All their names. My heart stopped. "CJ..." I say out loud. "Clair Joy... Claire was your friend that left wasn't she?..." I ask looking back. Seeing them stare at me. I felt bad. Taylor just looked at me with a forced smile. The boys just looked away. "I-... I'm sorry." I say looking down. Realizing I was asking something personal. "It's alright Y/n... I should've just told you the whole thing... It's my fault you wanted to know more, not yours." She says. I shake my head. "I don't get it..." I say. She looks at me confused. "Don't get what?" She asked. "How could she believe that Evil person over you?! Especially since she and friends ganged up on her! Why couldn't she see the good person you are?! Why did she even target you guys?! Why is she even targeting m-me?.... I did nothing wrong.... W-why did she have to take my friends and brother away from me?" I cried. Taylor ran up to me. Pulling me into a hug. "I-I don't understand!" I say. Crying into her shoulders. "Shh... Calm down Y/n... I'm right here. I promised to keep you safe. I'm not gonna let her hurt you anymore. She's not gonna win this time..." She says. "Sweetie you're home! Oh my goodness! What happened??" A lady coming from the kitchen says. We look at her. She looked worried. Rushing up to me and Taylor. "Are you ok dear? Do you need some comfort? Do you wanna talk about it?" She threw out a lot of questions at me. As she wipped away my tears. I couldn't say anything. "She's ok." Taylor says. Laughing at how overwhelmed I was. "Ok good! So who are you? Oh! Is she one of you boys girlfriend?" She ask looking at the boys. Who's faces turn a shade of red. Well. Ohm and Bryce. Luke just chuckles. "Mom!" Ohm whines. "Ooooh so she's your girlfriend huh?" Looking at me. I blushed. Looking away. "Well...." She makes me look at her. "She a lovely girl! Oh my son has girlfriend!! I'm so happy. She's perfect!!! Look at cute little face! Honey!! Our son has a girlfriend!!!" She says joyfully. "M-mom!! She's a friend!!! Not my girlfriend!!!" Ohm yells. "Then why you blushing so much?" She asks. "Because you're making it awkward!" He answered. Covering his face. I laughed at how embarrassed he was. "She has a cute laugh! How come you're not going out with her?! She seems like a lovely lady!!" "Mom!" I laugh harder. "So this is how mother's are?" I say laughing. "Wait what?! Don't you have a mom?" Ohm's mother asks. Concern written on her face. I shook my head 'no'. "What happened to your mom?" She asks. "She died in an accident." Ohm said. I was quiet. "Um... No..." Taylor says. "Wait what?... But Jon said she died in an accident..." Bryce says. Taylor shook her head. "His mother... Bryce..." I say. They all look at me. "Me and Jonathan don't have the same mom... My mother left me... She took my old sister... Who had a different dad... But left me. Jon told me it's my fault she left... I believe him..." I say. "Oh sweetheart... You didn't need to hear that! That's just a bunch of nonsense he spoke!" I sigh. Getting a hug from Taylor and Ohm's mom. "How about I be your mother figure? Sure... Your already a young lady... But you can always come to me for comfort or motherly advice! And you'll always be welcome here! Because I know you're a sweet young lady!" She says. I smile. "Thank you... That's the best things I could ever get from a mother..." I say. "No problem! After all... I do think of all these guys as my own kid. You girls wanna help me set the table? Dinner is almost done!" Me and Taylor agree. Going and helping.

Another one done! Woohoo!... I'm so sorry it's been long...

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