Better Together

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Chapter 10


"Go fuck yourself", I now had to say this on a regular basis to Shepherd. I felt like I was a shell of myself. In one night I had become Shepherd's property. Or as Hector like to say "a gift for helping with the coup". Not only did Shepherd become part of Hector's inner circle he had his trust. I couldn't even talk to Hector without him either backhanding me or threatening flat-out murder.

Shepherd stood at the foot of my bed in his ill fitted black suite. He tried so hard to have the same confidence and swagger Adam naturally had. But, he wasn't fooling anyone he was definitely the off-brand version.

More like Great Value brand.

Even this house Hector gave him was a generic house,"Your right about that", my Adam hallucination said sitting on the edge of the bed closest to me," I've never seen a more basic house". He was right, my room was just like the rest of the ranch house, with blank white walls, bare minimum furniture and no personality. There is nothing that made this place special. Or feel like a home.

If isn't one of your designs it's average at best. I guess you've spoiled me. Anything less than your imagination is basic.

I thought back silently.

I missed Adam.

And every day I was away from him I was going a little bit more crazy. He probably thought I was dead. Hell, I thought I was going to die. But, here I am. Dealing with Shepard in the middle of nowhere.

"If you tell me more about Adams trade routes and partners--"

"Shut up!" I said sitting straight up," What part of I'm not going to sellout my husband, don't you understand. Throw me over to Hector. I don't care. I'm not putting my family in danger so you can kiss ass". If that meant I had to go down swinging to protect everyone I would. But, I would not be the reason why we have another Bellefonte problem.

Frustrated Shepherd threw his hands in the air,"You know if we don't prove our worth we are as good as dead. Adam can take care of himself. He has a whole goddamn ocean between him Hector and the Independent Cartel. I'm at my wit's end, Jennifer, they will kill us. To them it will be child play".

I threw myself back on the mattress only to see Adam smiling,"Pay attention, love. You still have to survive. And right now, Shepherd is your best bet. Even though I wouldn't trust him". He was right, I still couldn't trust Shepherd even if he saved my life that night,"You saved him first".

"I can't. I'm sorry", I said.

"Then I need a favor", he said exhaling hard.

I got out of bed and sat at the foot right in front of Trey,"Listening".

"I need some poison", he said softy.

I laughed,"Do you see a lab anywhere around here?" Did he think it was that easy? Just poof! I take by his stoic attitude maybe he did," Listen, the poison I used on you was made in a biochem lab. It had everything I could have needed".

"I need something and you're the only one I can turn to", he sat down next to me looking tired. No, exhausted would be a better word. And I knew I was being a bitch to him. Ever since the shooting at the bar, I did everything in my power to fight against him.

"Why do you need it?" I asked.

"I can't tell you", he said distant. I stood up finished with this conversation. Only to have Shepherd grab my wrist, turning to face him,"But, I still need it".

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