Emergency Alert

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Chapter 40


"Sometimes I swear to God I don't know if you're just dumb or you just like to play dumb", I said wanting to scream at Michael. He just landed in Caracas a little past midnight, and for some strange reason he felt the urge to bring not only bring Sara but Alma too,"This isn't game!"

"Lower your voice a good couple octaves", Sara said sitting across from me in the limo Michael had requested. Alma was sleeping on her chest.

"You are going into God knows was kind of danger. The last time Michael was this South of the Border he was almost killed. And you want to take that risk?" I asked Sarah making sure she understood the gravity of the situation. I didn't let her answer the question before I turn my attention back to Michael,"And why would you bring Alma! That's what Yuna is for.This isn't a party, shit is about to go down".

Michael open his mouth to speak before Sara cut him off,"Couple things need to be pointed out. Your nanny has a life outside of taking care of your child. She wasn't hired to work seven days a week 24 hours a day, and you're taking advantage of her kindness. If you want to be a parent, be a parent; you can't just up and leave and expect everything to be fine. You threw your job on Michael who's doing his best. Maybe show a little gratitude? And as for this not being a party no shit! I thought I buried my best friend and it turns out she's been stuck somewhere in Venezuela! You two have been running around keeping secrets and I'm always the last to know. Not this time!"

"What do you think happens when---"

Michael cut me off,"If I could get a word in--"

"NO", Sara and I both said.

Michael threw his hands up and just looked out the window he started muttering to himself I only heard," I'm just going to sit here and blend in with the leather".

"I'm standing up for you", Sara said to Michael.

"He doesn't need you to stand up for him. We need you to go home, this is dangerous Sara. People will die", did she really not understand the situation or did she just not care?

"If I could say one thing?" Michael tried to interject.

"What do you think happens when when two cartels and one drug house are all in the same city? I know you care about Jennifer. But, you being here won't help us find her he would be a distraction and I need Michael focused".

"It's not like I'm a child, I can multitask if anyone cares", Michael said to no one.

"I'm staying", She said.

"She's staying in the hotel to watch Alma because Yuna had a family emergency she had to take care of. Plus, the Renaissance is only five minutes from Subida Sabas Nieves. We are on the "safe" part of town. And Sara knows not to take any unnecessary risk that that's what her security team is for. Before I'm cut off again I would just like to say, Jennifer has been alone for almost four to 5 months in enemy territory it may be nice to see a friendly neutral face", Michael suggested.

"I'm her husband", I stated.

"Who left her trapped under a house! Who the hell can't tell the difference between someone who's alive and someone who is dead!" Sara spat,"I would be mad as hell if---"

Rolling down the partition behind me Liam said,"We're here, sir".

Staring down Sara I said,"Give me my child", I demanded stepping out of the car.

"If we all could just take a moment and .... namaste, breath, clouds other calming words", Michael said still trying to be the Peacekeeper.

"Careful, just because she's sleeping doesn't mean she's dead", Sara said sliding out of the limousine like a smartass.

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