Bonus: Top 5 Self-Titled Era Fan Interactions

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Hey guys!

So this days post is all about the fans, and later I will be posting a fan art post as well for this era (submit fan art to me on Twitter, @Tha1Harley), because you guys the fans are what really makes an era special so obviously we have to look at how amazing the fans were during that time as well. 

Paramore loves the fans, and I thought I'd look at some clips from meet and greets and signings and pick my top 5 and share them with you lovely people. 

5) Meet&Greet in Manila

I picked this becasue the beginning makes me laugh. The band walks in and shakes everyone's hands and introduces themselves, as if none of the fans waiting know them. It's a nice gesture nonetheless and feels like they want to connect with them personally.

4) Parahoy 2014

Hayley decides to come down to talk to some fans randomly, and explain why she's terrified of All I Wanted.

3) Hot Topic Signing 

Signing everything from posters, to CDs, to guitars, this clip shows a good example of how the fanbase really acts as a family, as people who've never met come together and sing and laugh while getting to meet their favorite band.

2) Airport in Dublin

Walking through the airport in Dublin, Ireland, Hayley stops to meet some of the fans. Hugging, signing, and taking as many pictures as she can before she has to go.

1) Parahoy 2014...Again

In this clip from Parahoy you see Hayley casually talking to some fans about having to travel to attend Parahoy. This clip is a byproduct of a scene in the Parahoy recap video where Hayley and a camera crew run around and knock on people's doors randomly to bring them towels and toilet paper.

Parahoy Recap: Play 6:00 - 7:25

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