Bonus: FAQ

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Hey guys!

So I wanna start this post by saying if you have questions for me, you wanna know my opinion on something, you wanna suggest a post idea, or you just wanna talk that you can absolutely message me anytime on wattpad or on Twitter and I will try my best to answer and to answer as fast as possible. I don't want this post to stop people from asking questions, I don't mind questions, and I like talking to people. 

I wanna put out the answers to questions that I get asked a lot. These few questions have been asked multiple times by multiple people, and if you're considering asking I wanna give you the answers right now.

This isn't to be mean to the people who asked these questions, it's just in case anyone else has the same questions, and then I won't have to answer then over and over.

Do you think Hayley/Taylor is bi or gay?

I get asked this the most out of any of these questions, and I understand why. You read conspiracies and fanfics and you're like "this makes so much sense!", I understand that. In my personal opinion, there's no evidence that Taylor or Hayley are bi or gay. In my opinion smiling at someone doesn't indicate you're sexually attracted to them. If Hayley or Taylor were to ever come out I would absolutely support them, but until they themselves say otherwise I think they're both straight. 

Is Tayley real?

As I said in my previous answer; I don't think smiling at someone means your sexually attracted to them. I don't think Hayley and Taylor are dating. I think they might have fucked in the past, but I don't think they ever dated, and I don't think they ever would. I don't think at this point Hayley Williams would take a risk like that again, especially with how fragile Paramore has been the last few years.

How/Where did you get the Farros' exit statement?

A couple years ago someone sent me a link and I screenshotted it.

A couple years ago someone sent me a link and I screenshotted it

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I also have the post Sherri's mother made about Hayley and Chad cheating (in this post Sherri's mom warns Hayley that Chad will cheat again)

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I also have the post Sherri's mother made about Hayley and Chad cheating (in this post Sherri's mom warns Hayley that Chad will cheat again).

I also have the post Sherri's mother made about Hayley and Chad cheating (in this post Sherri's mom warns Hayley that Chad will cheat again)

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Do you think Paramore will continue after Hayley's record deal ends?

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Do you think Paramore will continue after Hayley's record deal ends?

Personally, no I don't think so. I read on a Reddit post that Hayley's deal is supposedly for 8 albums. That may or may not be true, however, usually 360 record deals (which Hayley has) are for between 7 and 10 albums. If that's correct it means she has to make 3 more albums before she can leave Atlantic. Hayley has expressed that she dislikes her label, and that she feels they're too controlling. I don't think after 3 more albums she'll want to continue. 3 more albums could take another 10 years, and she seems worn down by Atlantic/FBR as it is. I think Zac and Taylor will probably produce and do HalfNoise, and I think Hayley will focus on GoodDYEYoung.

Do you think Zac came back for the right reasons?

No. I'm sorry to people who love Zac, but no I don't think he came back for the right reasons. I made a post about an interview he did by himself where he said he was gonna be broke in 2016 if he didn't find someway to make money because HalfNoise wasn't working out. Then bam, he finds his way back to Paramore (which is an instant paycheck), and suddenly every music magazine thinks his music is genius and want to interview him. If I was him I would feel hurt by these magazines because they didn't give a damn about him until he was back in Paramore, but that's just me. He had so much to gain by getting back into Paramore, and has gained so much. Taylor is his bestfriend and has wanted him back since the second he left, so he didn't exactly have a hard time getting back in either. Someone sent me something he said during the Parahoy Q&A about coming back and it feeling like family and all that, and I wasn't surprised he said that. He says those things when he's with Hayley and Taylor, when he did an interview on his own all he could talk about was being broke and needing money fast. I haven't seen the full Q&A (I don't watch any Parahoy videos besides the performances usually), so if he mentions needing money during the Parahoy Q&A like he did in that solo interview, please correct me. 

Have you thought about writing stories professionally?

A few people have asked me this, and I am incredibly flattered, and happy that people enjoy my work, and am incredibly grateful for all of you. I don't think I'm good enough to write professionally, I'm no Shakespeare. It has crossed my mind, and that's why I like writing here because I love writing and its not as harsh and unforgiving as the real world would be. 

Why did you start writing on Wattpad?

I became obsessed with Paramore fanfiction, first reading Joshayley stories on Buzznet. I'm not exaggerating, I read every Paramore story on Buzznet. Eventually I started writing my own on Buzznet, which weren't very good. Then I discovered Tayley and Wattpad, and I liked the layout of Wattpad a lot better, it was a lot easier to use than Buzznet. So I made a Wattpad account and 3 and a half years later here we are.  

Will you critique my story?

I don't like to think I'm some superior writer at all, but I have gotten a number of people asking for critiques and advice with writing. I have no problem offering advice and critiques if people really want me too, just message me. 

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