Paramore, Stop Doing...This

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I'm actually gonna talk about Paramore today! I know, I'm surprised too.

I'm gonna talk about the CITM video, and a little about touring because I'm seeing a lot of that in the comments for the video and online. 

No I don't like the video, I think it's stupid, and I don't mean good stupid where I find it funny. I mean stupid as in they keep taking the most meaningful relatable songs off AL, CITM and Fake Happy particularly, and giving them stupid videos! Stupid videos that have no connection to the song, they don't add to the song's meaning in any way, and it looks like they cost $10 to make. And this one wasn't directed by Zac so he can't be blamed. And before you judge me, I think the Hard Times video is actually a pretty good match for the song and represents the meaning well, I don't think you always need the most literal video to get your point acrossed, you can be silly too. But cmon, they didn't even try with FH and now Caught In The Middle, two of the most meaningful songs they've ever made and they didn't respect them enough to give them good, compelling videos which they deserved. Of course this may be a touch more irritating for me because I consider it one of the best songs off the record and probably my favorite song off the record, but I'm not alone in thinking the video was garbage and undeserving of the wonderful song it supposedly represents. As I did with all the songs on the record, I had a personal idea for what I thought would be a cool concept for the video:

My idea was that it would focus on Hayley, like time traveling through a bunch of Paramore's past music videos and going through all the filming and stuff and realizing she wasn't as happy as she thought at the time, but she keeps moving forward through each era.

My idea was that it would focus on Hayley, like time traveling through a bunch of Paramore's past music videos and going through all the filming and stuff and realizing she wasn't as happy as she thought at the time, but she keeps moving forward t...

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Obviously the guys not in the band (Josh, Jeremy) don't have to be in it, lookalikes can just be hired since they'll be in the background. Ideally the Ain't It Fun video sequence would come close to the end. It would be the part of the AIF video where they're running with the stuffed animals, and as their doing that Hayley stops, takes her blind fold off, looks around, and just runs in the oppisite direction. She realizes she can't live in the past anymore and be miserable. And ideally the very end of the video would be her running on stage at a concert and performing the last parts of CITM live with the guys and finally being happy.

That was my idea for it, I don't really like the video they made, if you do that's fine. 

Onto some stuff I keep seeing about people being dissapointed that they aren't touring certain places. I said this before, and now it's been confirmed, that Paramore are going back to two year album cycles like they did with their first three albums. I, and many others, revived an email about Art + Friends and they said so in the email

They're wrapping up touring at the end of 2018, meaning in fall (September, October) or winter (November, December) of 2019 we'll probably see Paramore album number 6

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They're wrapping up touring at the end of 2018, meaning in fall (September, October) or winter (November, December) of 2019 we'll probably see Paramore album number 6. 

I know it sucks that they won't cover certain areas, but what it really all comes down to is time. They only have a year and a half to tour the whole world, it's not the same as being able to tour for 3.5 years like they did for BNE/Singles Club/Paramore. They want to see everyone they just don't have the time with their current schedule and it'll probably be like that for the rest of the albums they release unless something happens. I'm sure they'll come see lots of people they missed in era number 6, which is coming very soon.

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