The Paramore Fanbase Is Toxic

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Yo 'Sup Hi

The Skeleton Clique, more often referred to as simply The Clique, is a phrase used to describe fans of the alternative band Twenty One Pilots (||-//). Often maligned by the Internet as the most toxic fanbase around, members of The Clique are criticized for their obsessive dedication, hypocrisy, and childish behavior. 

But, to be honest, of all the FBR fanbases, Parawhores just might take the crown for the most toxic, yet deceiving, fanbase. 

This post will examine the negative aspects of being in the Paramore fandom. Some of these are my opinions, but I also asked others for their opinions, including asking some people with quite a bit of influence in the community what they thought, and surprisingly I heard a lot of the same things. 

Let's get started. 

Fake Happy:

One thing I heard a lot was that the Paramore fandom was incredibly decieving, painting itself as this all inclusive tolerant place, when in reality it is the equivalent of the lunch room scene in Mean Girls with all the different cliques. I heard this from everyone I asked, and it was something I agreed with. 

This fanbase is made up of a weird hierarchy almost like a high school. At the top Is a small group of super fans who manage to become like fandom celebrities: that Eleanor girl, Sam Mazza, people like them are at the top. The middle of the pyramid is their friends, something I also heard a lot and agree with is that if you're not part of a super popular group run by one of the fan celebrities you're basically a nobody. You could be an incredible artist and go completely unrecognized because you don't have a million followers or you aren't friends with someone who does. And that's the bottom of the pyramid; people who just are fans, and they're wrongfully ignored. 

PSA: if you worship Sam or Eleanor or any of the fan celebrities and you wanna tell them I'm "hating" on them; I don't care. I've already been dragged up and down the Internet by my $27 weave and frankly don't give a fuck anymore.

You're No Friend Of Mine

So you're part of a big group in the Pmore fanbase? Good for you, because that means for the most part you're protected from the Pmore version of the Cancel Culture. Cancel Culture is a phenomenon on the Internet; do something wrong, you're cancelled, meaning you're basically exiled from the Internet. The Paramore fanbase does this a lot, starts bandwagons of hate until a person finally gives up and deletes all their social media. The more followers you have, the more immune you are to the culture, because a lot of the time your followers will stick up for you to no end, and having no followers means you have no one on your side, and when a lot of people are coming at you that can be scary. These people are relentless with the mocking of people until they finally break and give up, leaving social media humiliated. How is that okay? Answer: it's not. The phenomenon is called mob mentality and in the Paramore fanbase it can get really ugly.

I'll Point You To The Mirror

Speaking of that; hypocrites! Hypocrites everywhere! Because a lot of these people swept up in this Paramore Cancel Culture are the same people who preach about positivity and anti-bullying. These people are peace and love until someone does something that pisses them off, then they go all Lord of the Flies. 

Which brings up another issue: of people caring and preaching about stuff when Hayley or memebers of Paramore do; like anti-bullying, but those same people will use their followers (if they have them) to attack people. 


The Paramore fanbase is not a positive safe space at all like it preaches. It's a ruthless, drama filled, hypocritical, high school of people trying to reach the ultimate goal of being recognized by Hayley and the rest of the band. 

But it doesn't have to be this way, because there are ways to fix it:

STOP worshipping fans because they have a bunch of followers, they're people like you and elevating them to celebrity status is unhealthy.

STOP trying to crush people who disagree with you (or the majority) grow the fuck up and move the fuck on. People have different opinions.

STOP with the mob mentality, and the bullying, it's bullshit especially if you're one of those hypocrites that also preaches about positivity and anti-bullying. 

STOP insisting this is a positive space while all these shitty things are happening, we're lying to ourselves and others.

STOP shoving Idle Worship in people's face as if it proves some kind of point or you're some kind of enlightened being for doing it. If you love that song; newsflash! HAYLEY IS TALKING TO YOU. 

I could go on, because honestly there is more stuff, even race issues, but I feel like for the moment I've proven my point. At least The Clique is self aware of how annoying they are and don't try and say otherwise, but pmore fans just straight up lie about being this positive community when that's really not the case at all. 

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