A Possible Return To Form

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Will I ever have a reliable upload schedule?

*shakes Magic 8 Ball* ...."Ask Again Later"



Hi hello it's me 

So I haven't uploaded in too long, to be honest there's not much to do between albums for Paramore, even speculation posts probably won't happen until they eventually enter the studio. Al that's left are my opinions which are so universally popular and well received...

However I've been thinking a lot about what I think is our first clue into what possibly could be the attitude of the 6more era, at least in Hayley's perspective. Hayley revealed in October that she began writing, alone this time, even sharing this image and statement:

 Hayley revealed in October that she began writing, alone this time, even sharing this image and statement:

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(Dear Pmore, please mass produce these, I'll buy one for every guitar I own, amen.)

And although people would probably shrug this image off, I do think it means more than people really think, I think Hayley did have a particular intention behind posting it.

If we look at the statement itself we find first a couple interesting things there even without the image, notably that she was writing completely alone, which Hayley hasn't done for quite some time. Usually there was a Farro or a York next to her, but this time she's completely alone. To be honest I'm kind of excited at the thought of even one track written soley by Hayley since we don't ever get that, it would be very fresh for the band. Hayley's lyrics are usually set to the emotional mood of who writes the music whether that be Josh or Taylor, so I think it would be interesting to hear Hayley's lyrics set to her own music, to her mood. 

The second interesting thing about the statement is the part about Self-Titled. Her saying that when she's completely alone she uses a Self-Titled era capo to write with. As much as I feel I'm reading into this too much; I can't help but feel this is her saying that she's not completely ashamed of that era, that when she's not After Laughter Hayley - who has publicly denounced the S/T era and album - she does appreciate that era and still finds meaning in it. The way she phrased the statement starting with "just know..." it really feels like she is trying to atone for being so harsh on the S/T era while she was promoting AL. So for all the people denouncing S/T because Hayley did, well it seems like she actaully feels differently than she first Insinuated. 

The most notable thing about the image I think is that the capo is adjusted for a Barre chord. A Barre chord in guitar is a chord played with all or part of the strings muted by a finger or device like a capo. Musicians do this usually when they want to transpose the key of a song higher or sharp, and it can make the chords easier to move along the fretboard of the guitar. Barre chords are used typically in Pop, Rock, and Classical music. From the picture I can tell you it looks like the capo she's using is barring all 6 strings and is set on the 5th fret, which means she's writing in the key of A.

My source:

Watch this video from 1:30 to 5:00 to hear what a few of the chords in A sound like and gain better understanding of Barring.

The reason it's significant that Hayley is writing in the key of A here is because it's not a key Paramore uses normally. Most Paramore songs fall under some vein of G, F, or D. There are Paramore songs in A, but only a handful. Famous Paramore songs in the key of A include Ain't It Fun and Brighter both in A major (Amaj.). I will also tell you that none of the songs on After Laughter are in A. So they haven't written a song in A in quite some time. This is part of the reason I called this post "A Possible Return To Form", because that's what this could be hinting at. Hayley pretty much taking back her harsh words about the S/T era and returning to song writing techniques of albums past could mean that there's a chance that paramore's 6th album won't be just a sequel to AL as many people including me have predicted. It could be a more raw emotional album influenced by the sound of past Paramore, which obviously a lot of fans would really enjoy. 

Of course this is all opinion and theory, but part of me really hopes there's some validity to it. I've always said I wish Hayley could learn to embrace the past instead of throwing it away, and perhaps that's what she's doing now.

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