The Beginning

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My name is Dawn.

Dawn Ellenoa Rose. For now at least.

Apparently I'm a special nature spirit according to The Three. Except I didn't know about this until very recently.

In 100 BC in Athens, the Eldest Dryad and the Ancient Naiad fell in love. However because of the Original Laws created by the first Nature Spirit, love like theirs was forbidden.

It states that there can be no afflictions, romantically and friendly, between the 12 Spirits. Everyone must keep within their type to avoid any mixed offspring as they would be too powerful and an imbalance to nature. But unfortunately the downside of this law is death.

I had to be hidden away from the spirits because my parents knew they would kill me so my father thought it best that I lived as far away from Greece as possible when I turned 5 and therefore I grew up in Virginia.

Everything was perfect until my 17th birthday.

My mother was banned from the Rivers Of Greece, her home, and banished to an unknown land. Without the power of her home and water, she slowly faded and eventually melted into a river that flows from Virginia down to Louisiana.

My father was unfortunately not spared this peaceful death.

He had to suffer and take blame for everything that happened.

He was tortured terribly for he was the only remaining Dryad with Royal blood to disobey the law and The Three decided to permanently trap his spirit in the Oak to remove him from the throne and replace him.

He managed to keep me tucked away from The Three and the rest of the Dryads and Naiads who insisted that I be dead. I was hidden in an enchanted box, cursed by The Three, where I lay asleep for centuries, until it was right to awake with no memories.

The 'no memory' thing was a curse placed on me by The Three because it was the only way they could make me suffer.

The box served as a sort of reviver for me. Every time I died, if I was placed back in the box, I would be revived years later but wake up with no memories about who I am or my past lives.

However, all the painful memories would flood into my brain once I made skin to skin contact with someone I had known, overwhelming me all at once and crushing my brain with the weight of memories.

It was torture.

•• •• ••


It was a beautiful Sunday morning. I had just come out of the box yesterday with no memory of where I was and anything that I had previously recalled important.

I woke up to the sound of trumpets and saxophones and people walking about, chattering to each other loudly. I looked around to see myself in the woods, lying in rags on the ground.

"Where am I?" I mumbled to myself. My eyes hurt from the burning sun and everything sounded so loud. I managed to get up and then I slowly made my way towards the bustling sound of people.

I burst onto a busy road with little shops and music flowing throughout the streets. I didn't know where to go so I let my sub-conscious guide me to wherever I was supposed to go. I walked for a while before I came to an old and weary house that seemed very familiar.

The house was huge and despite the fact that it looked old, it also seemed that people lived here. I don't know how I knew this at the time so I just gingerly walked in to find myself in a large courtyard.

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