Back To The Past

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The next morning I was shaken awake by none other than Ink.

"D! WAKE UP!" Ink shouted in my face, shaking me. I opened my eyes slowly, a bit irritated.

"What do you want Ink?" I yawned rubbing my eyes.

"You gotta get up! We got something to show you!" Ink screamed.

"Could it wait till later?" I grumbled.

"Alright fine sleep. It's not like we found a solution to your problem or anything," Ink muttered. I sat upright instantly, "What?"

"Aw that's the spirit! Come on Ariel!" Ink smiled and walked out. I jumped out of bed and quickly changed into something appropriate and zoomed downstairs.
I walked down gingerly, afraid and excited at the same time.

I stepped into the courtyard and found Hope talking frantically to Noah about something.

"Hey," I waved and stood next to Noah.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" Noah grinned at me, his arm hugging my shoulders.

"Much better now," I winked and he laughed.

"Ahem...get a room," Ink coughed as Hope silently giggled. I rolled my eyes at Ink.

"So what's this all about?" I asked.

"Well you seem to be acting very strange and my guess is that you somehow have a lot of connection to the earth here in New Orleans," Hope explained.

"Okay but why do I have a connection with the earth? I'm supposed to be a naiad. I should be only connected to water," I argued.

"Yes I know and while we might not know the answer to why that is I think this will help," Hope said and she snapped her fingers. A huge wooden box appeared in the middle of the courtyard and my eyes widened.

"That. Is going to help me...How?" I exclaimed, my mouth slightly opened.

"Since this is where you wake up after death maybe getting into it will revive something that could help us help you," Noah remarked rubbing my shoulder.

"Okay but what if I go into a longer coma than before? I could miss the Super Moon!" I stated furrowing my eyebrows. I twisted the Dragonfly pendant in my hand which hung around my neck.

"Don't worry Sabrina's got it covered," Ink nodded to Hope without looking at her.

"Alright then. Let's get some memories back," I exclaimed gripping the pendant tighter. Noah noticed this and cupped my face with his hands.

"Hey," he said forcing me to look into his deep blue eyes. "It's gonna be alright. You're strong, hell you are one of the strongest people I know. I'll be right beside you if anything happens okay?" Noah whispered.
He was about to say something else but he stopped and smiled.

"I know. Thank you Noah," I sighed and leaned in to give him a small kiss. I lingered next to the box, afraid to touch it.

"We're right here Dawn. You're not alone," Hope smiled. I looked back and smiled at them. I slowly got in to the box and I lied down, breathing deeply. I stared back up at the ceiling, the chandelier still missing from the incident. I raised my hands and gingerly plucked the gloves - the gloves that kept me from my memories - and placed them on my stomach.

I could feel the power radiating from my body and I slowly slid my hands down and laid them on the wood. I didn't feel anything at first but then it hit me like a tidal wave. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes...

I stared at my reflection in the water. This was different than the memories I had before - I feel like I'm really living it. I was staring at myself: tattered clothes and lifeless eyes. I looked like death. I recognized the dried tears on my cheek and the dirt and blood that smothered me whole.

"What happened?" I asked myself hoping for an answer.

"You. The witch. Her family. You all destroyed this village!" someone said. I snapped my head behind searching for anyone there. But there was no one. I looked back at the water confused and realized that it had been my reflection.

"What?" I questioned and my mirror raised her hand and I fell to the floor.

There was no chaos as I had expected. I saw myself by the same lake. It was nightfall and I was braiding my hair with flowers humming quietly to myself. That was so familiar.

"What are you singing?" I whispered but I didn't get an answer.

"Hey!" I shouted but no reply. Maybe I was just supposed to watch? I watched my mirror touch the water with her fingers. She smiled as she made the water rise up and down, like a little personal show. And then she spoke.

"Mama, I miss you. I don't know how to continue without you. You told me that Papa would find me and help me with these powers but he still has not come. It's been 500 years since you found peace and I am still awaiting Papa, The Mighty Freddin.
Well clearly not so mighty after all. I feel like an abomination - a mistake. I will never truly be one of you wholly. When will Papa come for me?" I heard her say as she played with the water.

A single tear drop hit the water gracefully and the lake somehow came alive. The water rose and formed a figure of a lady who strode to me. I was very much shocked and so was my mirror.

She placed her hand on my cheek and whispered very softly in her ear, "I am still here Dawn. And I will always be within you. Papa will come for you but for now you must be careful. This village is not safe for you."

"Something terrible is going to happen and you must be far away from here when it does. You have to leave tonight and follow my river until our safe place. I love you Dawn."

"You are very special and even if you are not wholly a Naiad you are still my daughter. Leave now and be safe. Goodbye υβρίδιο (hybrid)!" and the water figure of my mother vanished into the water.

So Dawn's mother called her hybrid? That was her pet name when she was small, but why? Find out in the next chapter coming up soon:)

DAWN (The Originals Fanfiction) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin