Who Am I?

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I felt the warmth of the sun spreading across my face and the calm sounds of morning jazz filling the atmosphere. I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in a room that was definitely not at the motel.

This room was very large and spacious, with heavy curtains and balconies complete with an en suite bathroom and huge chests and drawers. The bed was luxurious and unbelievably comfy.

I pulled the duvet off and placed my feet on the wooden floor. My legs were bare with only a pair of tiny shorts covering my thighs and my favorite large black t-shirt. I stood up and grabbed my glasses from the nightstand, rubbing my head as I made my way to the closed oak door. I grabbed the cold brass knob and opened it slowly.

The room led out to another balcony but this one looked over into a vast stone courtyard with deep green vines crawling along the stone. I sauntered towards the stairs and tip toed down.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty is awake or should I say Ariel because you're like a naiad?!"

I jumped at the sudden claim and grabbed the railing to stop myself from falling.

"Ink? Where are we? How long have I been out?" I mumbled, tripping on the last step and luckily falling onto Ink.

"We're in New Orleans duh! And you've been out for 3 days Ariel," he chuckled holding me tightly. My reflexes were a bit off today - this was the longest I'd been out.

"I know we're in New Orleans but this is definitely not the motel," I muttered, letting Ink take me to wherever.

"Oh yeah this is the Mikaelson Compound. You know where the big bad family lives?" Ink explained.

"Why does that sound so familiar?" I whispered, not expecting Ink to hear it.

He helped me walk towards a grand dining room, complete with candlesticks and very familiar portraits of the Mikaelsons. A large array of breakfast was set on the table and I saw Hope and Noah talking silently.

As we walked in, Hope and Noah immediately got up and rushed to my side.

"Dawn, are you alright? I was so worried about you! Here come sit and eat something," Hope fussed. She was like my sister turned mum at these times.

I plopped down on one of the cushioned chairs and closed my eyes for a bit.

"Dawn? Dawn, are you okay?" Noah nagged in my ear. I never liked how they always treated me like some fragile object. I know I am strong but they have just never seemed to regard that.

"I'm fine, I just need some water to get rid of this headache," I whispered. All of them zoomed out of the room at my request for water and I smirked to myself.

I placed a finger in the cup which already had water and I closed my eyes, feeling the water coursing through me, diminishing every pain.

"That's quite a trick you've got there," someone announced. I kept my eyes shut, not wanting to disrupt the process.

"I'm a bit busy with this 'trick' if you can't see," I muttered, hoping to shoo them away.

"I think it's very fascinating, I've never heard of naiads ever existing," they said.

At that statement my eyes flung open and I took in the person standing in front of me. She had medium blonde hair and light eyes. She was quite tall and looked so much like Hope. I could sense the magic flowing through her.

"Freya," I smiled.

"Dawn, I presume?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The one and only," I replied, making eye contact with her.

"I'm judging by your expression you have recovered some of your memories?" she questioned, narrowing her eyebrows.

"Yes and I am fully aware of what you did or well tried to do to the Dragonfly Talisman... MY Talisman in other words," I grinned sarcastically.

"Well that was in the past. I was very desperate back then and I was under strict orders from my aunt. I'm sure you and I can move on from that... for Hope's sake," she stared intently.

"Anything for Hope," I answered, folding my arms.

"Alright. Well you do your thing. I hope Hope is right about you," she replied, walking out.

After weeks of fussing about and worried faces from Noah and Hope, thankfully not Ink, I decided to go outside of the house. I showered and wore my ripped jeans and a black T-shirt tucked inside with black combat boots.

As I made my way towards the gate, I was immediately stopped by an invisible barrier.

"What the hell," I muttered, trying to push the barrier.

"I'm sorry Dawn but I can't let you go outside," Hope shouted from the stairs. She had stopped midway and was waiting for me to come to her. I strutted inside the courtyard.

"Why can't I go?" I asked dumbfounded.

"It's too dangerous for you. After what happened, I don't want to risk you getting hurt. It clearly seems that New Orleans was really important to you before," Hope explained her eyes meeting mine.

"Hope. I know you want to help your family and all but you can't keep my under house arrest for 3 months! Besides it was probably just my mind trying to remember something itself," I waffled, using my hands for emphasis. I was getting slightly irritated now.

"I'm sorry but you're just going to have to wait!" Hope said a little louder.

"No way am I going to wait here alone every day!" I yelled, my face getting red.

"If something happens to you then my chance is gone you do know that right?!" Hope shouted, walking down the stairs now.

"I am NOT an object so don't treat me like one!" I screamed rubbing my forehead. This was incredibly unfair.

"At least wait for when my family gets here? Then I know you will be safe 24/7," Hope sighed walking closer to me. "And it'll only be till I can get enough power to get rid of that egoistic spirit."

"It'll just be till The Super Moon. And after that we can party and do whatever you want. I just want you to be safe and I don't want my chances to be ruined." Hope continued. "I'm trying to save my family Dawn and I need you. You're my only chance at this and I can't let you go running around where you will likely end up getting severe headaches and-"

"HOPE JUST STOP TALKING!" I bellowed, holding my head.

The ground shook violently, the tables shivered, dust fell from the ceiling and the giant chandelier rattled and plummeted towards Hope.

"NO!" I shouted and stretched out my hand towards her. The vines that stuck to the stone walls of the Compound came to life and grabbed the chandelier before it struck Hope. For a mild second Hope and I locked eyes in confusion.

"DAWN!" Hope screamed and she looked ever so frightened. She stumbled towards me as I fell and collapsed to the ground with a bang. Everything was in slow motion.

Hope touched my nose and I recognized that the blood on her fingertips was indeed mine. She screamed for help but no one was at the Compound.
What was happening to me?

So what's happening to Dawn? Any ideas? You'll find out soon:) And Dawn met the oldest Mikaelson sibling already! Who is next?

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