Bourbon With Broken Hearts

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I stood there, gaping at Noah and Kol confused as hell. Kol seemed royally pissed and I was even more curious as to what Noah had to do with it.

"Once I'm done with you, you're going to wish you weren't a Mikaelson!" Kol threatened but Noah didn't flinch.

"You think I want to be related to you?" Noah scoffed which only made Kol tighten his grip.

"KOL?!" Davina called and she ran to his side in fear. "Kol, put him down! Please!"

"Why? He deserves to die!" he yelled and I flinched. I locked eyes with Noah and he seemed just as confused.

"Could someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?" I interrupted and they both turned towards me - Davina wearing a look of guilt and Kol in pure rage. He carried Noah by the neck and slammed him on the ground in front of me.

"I would gladly tell you, love but it's not my place," he said smirking down at Noah. "Please little 'brother', tell your girlfriend what happened."

Noah slowly got up and looked around at us. "Dawn... I-....I kissed Davina."

My heart dropped at those words and I could feel tears welling in my eyes but I refused to cry. It was just a kiss right? I kissed Kol too but it didn't mean that I loved him. It couldn't have meant anything...

No words could form in my mouth as I just stared at Noah in disbelief. Kol didn't seem satisfied with his answer and Davina's hands were shaking.

"Oh go on! That's not all of it is it?" Kol laughed evilly and glared at Davina who put her head down.

"Uhh... yeah thats it," Noah said confusedly. Kol got angry and grabbed Noah by his shirt.

"Did you ever learn that lying can get you killed?" Kol said through gritted teeth but Noah still seemed confused.

"I'm telling you Kol. That's all that happened!" Noah said raising his hands in surrender.

"Then why did my wife say otherwise?" Kol asked and turned to face Davina.

"N-Noah at the ball... we- we did more than just... kiss," Davina started but Noah shook his head and my heart shattered. This was before my kiss with Kol...

"That never happened! I swear!" he yelled and Davina seemed startled by it. "I would never do that to Dawn!"

"Show him," Kol ordered to Davina and she gingerly put her hands on Noah's forehead, possibly showing him what happened. I didn't know who to believe anymore. As soon as Davina removed her hands Noah had tears in his eyes as he looked at me.

"Dawn I can't remember doing anything like that! I swear I would never cheat on you! You are the love of my life! You have to believe me, it's got to be a mistake!" he begged me but I couldn't even look at him anymore.

"I-I'm sorry Noah. I don't know what to believe. Just... give me some space," I choked out and ran upstairs to my room, sobbing into my pillow.

•• •• ••

It's close to nightfall now and I was done weeping over my broken relationship. I needed to get out of here.
Hope and Ink had gone out on a mysterious yet romantic 3 day vacation while I was asleep so I was stuck here. I went to the bathroom and washed my face.

I applied some makeup : red lipstick, mascara and eyeliner and went to my wardrobe.

I took out my sparkly black long-sleeved dress and put it on. It was quite short and stopped mid-thigh but I loved it since I never really got the opportunity to wear revealing clothes.

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