The Awakening

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"Dawn?" I heard Noah's faint voice bringing me back to reality. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the light.

"Dawn you alright?" Ink exclaimed. I rose my hand putting a thumbs up sign and slowly got up.

"Hey guys! Missed me?" I joked as I put my gloves back on. Noah rushed up and carried me out of the box.

"So? What did you see?" Hope asked me quietly. I took a deep breath before telling them what I saw.

"Before I tell you I have a question for you Hope," I replied a little shaky.

"Yes anything Dawn. Ask away," she smiled.

"What exactly happened at the time your family became vampires? And what year was it?" I responded.

"Well it was 1100 AD and they were turned by my grandmother, Esther. They were given blood to drink and then killed with my grandfather's blade at midnight. They became immortal but Esther didn't know they would have this hunger to feed on human blood and when they found out that the White Oak tree could rid them all, they burned it to the ground," Hope explained.

"Yeah I think I was alive at that time... And I think I was in love with one of them," I whispered bringing my hand to my forehead. My head was pounding.

"You need to lie down," Noah whispered and I nodded letting him carry me to the couch.

"What do you mean you were in love with one of them?" Noah asked me softly, his eyes a bit sad.

"I don't know his name but he had dark hair and dark eyes," I whispered. I noticed Hope's eyes widened a bit.

"Oh thank god it wasn't my father," Hope gasped and I laughed lightly.

"Yeah that would've been weird," I giggled.

"Well I mean you could've since you don't really have all your memories. If you were alive at that time then you're bound to have met them again," Noah said a little coldly. I looked at him a little speechless.

"Even if she did it doesn't matter now right Ariel?" Ink stepped in. I gave a small nod to say thanks.

"Yeah. Right now the most important thing is Hope's family and figuring out what is happening to me," I said to Noah taking his hand.

I turned my head to Hope, "So apart from your father who could it be?" I was very curious as to who this person could be.

"Finn is no longer alive. So based on your description it could be Elijah or... Kol?" she stated biting her lip slightly.

"I don't know. The names don't particularly stand out to me," I muttered.

"Ariel what did you really see apart from Hope's family?" Ink asked me. So I told them every single detail of the memory I encountered and they listened carefully. After a little while, we all just waited silently absorbing the information.

"Your connection to the earth must mean something... Aren't dryads connected to the earth?" Hope questioned.

"Kinda but they are mainly connected to trees. But if I am a dryad how can that be possible if I am a naiad?" I asked in confusion.

"Well there are such things as hybrids," Noah answered gesturing to himself.

"No... I can't be a hybrid," I said breathing heavily. For some reason knowing that gave me a very bad feeling.

"Hey it's alright. It's not a bad thing and don't worry we're gonna help you," Noah whispered grabbing my face. I nodded slowly calming down.

"I'll ask Freya if she can help us," Hope smiled and just as she was about to go we heard an all familiar voice.

"HOPE!" screamed Hayley as she stormed into the compound with her black combat boots. She stomped up to Hope, raising her eyebrow at all of us.

"Hey Ms Marshall..." Ink trailed off as Hayley glared at him.

"What do you think you're doing, young lady?" Hayley folded her arms.

"Hey Mum! How'd you know we'd be here?" Hope said nervously.

"Oh you know, true motherly instincts dear," she smiled sarcastically. "Well?"

"I'm trying to help out Dawn... And I'm going to reunite the Mikaelsons," Hope said quickly closing her eyes.

"You what?" Hayley said softly but harshly.

"Hope. I thought we agreed on not reuniting our family until that wretched spirit was gone for good? It won't be safe you, sweetie," Hayley sighed not wanting to disappoint her daughter further.

"I found a way Mum! Even Aunt Freya said it could work. I've worked so hard for this day to happen and I'm not going to give up. It will happen on Saturday with or without your help. Besides I've already sent them the message. They'll be here tomorrow," Hope ranted. Hayley took a deep breath and sighed.

"Okay fine! So tell me how you're gonna do this?" Hayley questioned her.

"Since Dawn is connected to nature, I can harness power from the Super Moon with Aunt Freya and Noah and she can absorb the spirit and release it into the earth where she will remain trapped forever and hopefully die without her powers," Hope explained.

"But aren't witches connected to nature as well?" Hayley asked.

"Yes but I'm a literal embodiment of nature - I'm basically water in the form of a human," I stated. Hayley still didn't seem convinced so Hope tried to plead her way into agreeing.

"Think about it Mum! Dad can finally come back into my life and-and you can finally be with Uncle Elijah again!" Hope grinned.

"Elijah and I are no more sweetie," she mumbled looking away.

"But that's only because he's not here! And I can see Auntie Becks and Marcel! What about Uncle Kol? Wouldn't Davina be over the moon when she knows she can home and see Marcel? Please Mum, you're not fooling me with the fact that you don't miss them. They are family," Hope begged and begged. Hayley glanced at all of us before locking eyes with Hope.

"I do miss them sweetie but..." Hayley didn't want to disappoint her so instead of going against her, she said, "You know what? Go for it! You've worked so hard for this! I'm just a little upset you didn't tell me about it," Hope beamed at her.

"Well obviously I didn't cause this would've been your reaction!" Hope laughed and hugged her mother.

Hayley hugged her tightly and looked over to us and said, "Thank you for helping and believing in my baby girl."

"She's the best," Ink said smiling weakly, catching Hope's eye for a second.

"Let's do this!" Hope squealed breaking eye contact with Ink.
We all cheered and waited for the Super Moon to arrive.

Do you think Dawn is a hybrid? The Mikaelsons are coming and will be reunited very soon! Let's see how Hope gets rid of the Hollow and how Dawn reacts to meeting the infamous family!!!
Pls comment and vote y'all!

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